What is Christian Governance?

Christian governance includes self-government, family government, church government and civil government.

Where people are governed by more than one level of civil government, Christian civil governance gives deference to the lowest level of government, that is, the level of government closest to the people being served. A Christian worldview advances the ideas of localism and decentralization.

Christianity advances a federalist model of civil government: Christian civil government reflects the principles of decentralization of authority and division of power. Which is to say that centralist models of government are incompatible with a Christian view. Centralist models seek to centralize as much civil power as possible in the highest level of civil government, and to centralize as much governmental authority as possible in the civil government, at the expense of self-government, family government and church government. (Socialism is a centralist model of government.)

Christian governance is an act of service. Politicians are still called “ministers” as a continual tribute to the Christian worldview, which teaches that politicians should be servants, not tyrants.

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