Eleven months ago, a loving Christian retired couple received a discrimination complaint from British Columbia’s Human Rights Tribunal.
Hebrews Chapter 11, often called “The Hall of Faith,” is a powerful passage of Scripture for those committed to the advancement of God’s Kingdom in this world. Yet it is often used for the very opposite purpose: to rationalize misery, failure and ineffectiveness in this world with the assurance that we have a heavenly country to anticipate after this life.
Why are so many Christians nervous about the idea of Christian governance?
I can understand non-Christians being troubled by the idea, but if we as Christians believe that God has salvation – matters of eternal life – under his control, why do we think it’s so hard for Him to provide the necessary direction for governments, politics, human social order and the like?
Christian governance includes self-government, family government, church government and civil government.
Where people are governed by more than one level of civil government, Christian civil governance gives deference to the lowest level of government, that is, the level of government closest to the people being served. A Christian worldview advances the ideas of localism and decentralization.