
Welcome to ChristianGovernance.ca

All government is based on a worldview and beliefs about what government is and what it should be. You can have Islamic governance, Humanistic governance, Jewish governance, Hindu governance, etc.

And you can have Christian governance…

There is no such thing as neutrality. Superficial thinking has confused peace, tolerance, pluralism, multiculturalism and similar ideas with neutrality. But there is no such thing as neutrality.

Judeo-Christian political theory is unique in its hostility to totalitarianism. Christian governance, and Christian governance alone, is anti-tyrannical.

God has designated multiple governments for a just and functioning social order: civil government, church government, family government and SELF-GOVERNMENT. Such division of authority and diffusion of power mitigates against political centralism and tyranny.

With the rise in the influence of Humanism in Canada and the West, this division of authority is disappearing. Humanism wants all of life subsumed under the State and Islam sees the Mosque as the central organizing principle for all of life. Both of these worldviews are incompatible with a free and democratic social order.

The mission of ChristianGovernance is to teach and train Christians to understand the Biblical worldview as well as competing worldviews, and to help Christians translate this understanding into a faithful lifestyle and a compelling witness in this world. This is our apologetics work.

We also have an active role with Canadian governments, submitting briefs and recommendations for law and public policy and making the case for the Lordship of Christ and the abiding relevance of God’s law for 21st Century Canada.

You can reach us at [email protected] or at 613-496-0091.

Visit our bookstore here.

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