Humanists despise self-defense and private protection

ChristianGovernance eletter – April 26, 2012
Humanists despise self-defense and private protection – because they’re Humanists

We have said before that Humanists don’t have a philosophical framework to make sense of the idea of Separation of Church and State. Sure they use the language a lot, and even intimidate Christians with it because Christians don’t know how to make their case. But Humanists are talking about the separation of (the Christian) religion from politics when they use the language of Church and State.

Humanists don’t have a philosophical framework to make sense of the idea of Separation of Church and State because they are state-ists; they are political centralists. This means they see all of life subsumed under the state. The church and the family and business interests become tools of the state, vehicles for expressing the will of the state. So there is no separation of Church – or anything else – and State. They oppose the separation of school and State. They condemn the separation of health care and State. The list goes on…

This is an incredibly dangerous perspective for society. It’s a direct threat to justice, freedom and real equality. We see another expression of this dangerous attitude in Green Party leader Elizabeth May’s attitude towards legislation that gives Canadians more authority to make citizen’s arrests. The National Post reported that she said it would encourage vigilantism. She said that it takes Canada in a “whacky new direction” from our tradition of “peace, order and good government.”

This is a militantly state-ist view being expressed by Ms. May; the idea that there is no consequential difference between self-defense and vigilantism. Her worldview can’t make sense of the idea that it is legitimate for individuals to take action to enforce justice. Only the state should be allowed to do that. Therefore individual attempts to make a citizen’s arrest are presumed to be vigilante actions, and the burden of proof should be on the citizen/slave to prove otherwise.

This is totalitarianism at its worst, but it’s the nature of Humanism. Most Christians don’t appreciate how evil Humanism is because we see it through the veneer of respectability it uses when it’s on public display. We need to wake up and realize what Humanism is all about before it completely consumes us. It is not conciliatory. Humanism makes no room for a realm of moral neutrality for working in good faith with Christians. Where it does this, it is being subversive. This is war. God tells us this. Why do we not believe Him.

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