Atheist lynching planned for Saskatoon Christian municipal counsellor

A self-professed atheist is threatening to file a lynching – a human rights complaint – against a Christian Saskatoon counsellor for saying grace in public. This is outrageous, but it illustrates the zealotry of atheism and humanism. These ideologues try to smear Christianity – and especially Christian conservatives – as zealots. But Christians don’t behave like this. It does, however, seem to be the way a growing number of atheists/humanists behave.

We urge you to express your support for this persecuted Christian. Let him know that you are backing him up in prayer and with moral support. Christians in positions of leadership shouldn’t have to do battle alone when facing the wrath of irrational bigots who have the power of the state at their beck and call. The kind of messianic complex or vindictiveness that this atheist is expressing should be resisted not enabled, but human rights commissions have become enablers of this kind of attitude for many years across Canada.

If you send us a message of support for Counsellor Randy Donauer, we will make sure he gets it. Please take a moment to send a note back for him. If you know him, and can send a note directly to him, please do that too.

This incident took place at a dinner sponsored by Saskatoon’s cultural diversity and race relations committee. This man was a guest at the event. According to media reports, this man is so self-centered and psychologically disturbed that he said: “It made me feel like a second-class citizen. It makes you feel excluded. … It’s ironic that I’ve now become a victim of religious bigotry and discrimination at this banquet that was supposed to be an appreciation banquet for the service of volunteers like me.”

Actually, what’s ironic is that a grown adult is acting like such a spoiled brat, and in such an exploitative manner now that he thinks he sees an opportunity to make a wad of cash as the winner of a human rights complaint against the city. Of course the “Shakedown,” to use Ezra Levant’s accurate term for such behaviour, would come at the expense of taxpayers. But why should a morally bankrupt atheist care about details like that?

If you’re writing letters to the editor of any papers, these are some points you could make:

1. An atheist should be ambivalent to religion; not a militant bigot wanting to oppose other religions. This guy’s militancy shows he’s not an atheist. He’s am anti-Christian bigot; a fanatic.

2. It’s unlikely that this atheist is fighting simply for his own dignity. Most people don’t get this excited for their own sake – unless they are incredibly vindictive. And vindictiveness should not be encouraged; it should be vigorously resisted. He might be getting wound up to champion a cause he thinks is important for greater society. But who asked him? If this is the case, then he has a messianic complex. An atheist with a messianic complex is a strange site.

3. As noted above, this guy’s motives for filing a human rights case are either a messianic complex or vindictiveness. Both motives are evil and should be condemned and resisted, not encouraged and enabled, but such is the nature of the human rights ideology and industry. There are absolutely no options reflecting good motives to explain this man’s behaviour.

4. There’s no such thing as neutrality. A “no prayer” option is not neutral, it’s atheism. This anti-Christian hypocrite is not after religious neutrality; he’s an atheist “theocrat” who wants to replace an expression of Christianity – the religion of the large majority of Canadians and Saskatoon residents – with the an expression of atheism, a minority religion held by hardly anyone. And he wants to make this change by way of thuggish antics rather than a democratic process. Such is the nature of today’s fundamentalist atheists. Atheism is not democratic.

Please send us your notes of support for Randy Donauer, and we will make sure he gets them.

And please forward this message to all your friends and contacts.

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