Another Lynching of Canada by CHRC Chairman

Why do humanists have to lie to prop up their system? Alright, stupid question!

Jennifer Lynch, the Chief Commissioner of the Canadian Human Rights Commission, has been through the ringer more than once in the past few years over her support for censorship and her zealous commitment to affirmative action, which she cleverly calls “equality.” Actually, she’s not that clever; most of today’s establishment actors hide their discrimination behind the language of equality, even using the term “equality of opportunity” in reference to its opposite, parity of outcome.

But Ms. Lynch deserves credit for her devotion to her convictions no matter how hard they are attacked and how unCanadian they may be. Yet again, in the 2009 annual report for the CHRC, Ms. Lynch reiterates her commitment to totalitarian liberalism and the lies that prop up that system. She seems to enjoy her role as a poster boy for Canada’s pretentious and arrogant liberal elite.

So what did she do now?

Funny you should ask…

Jennifer Lynch mocks previous generations with her lie

In the CHRC 2009 annual report, released last month, Jennifer Lynch writes the introductory message for the report. This is how she starts off her letter: “Canada has experienced profound transformation since the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and Canadian Human Rights Act were adopted to recognize the equal status of every individual in Canada.”

Jennifer Lynch’s outrageous deception and profound ignorance is infuriating. But she’s a perfect illustration of Canada’s revisionist, socialist establishment. This self-serving exploitation of Canadians is something that socialists seem to do so well.

This woman actually believes that Canada did not recognize the equality of all Canadians before the 1980s. Her position is disgusting. Her self-righteous sneering at Canada’s history and our parents and grandparents is unbecoming, to say the least, and something that should disqualify her as a government employee of any kind.

Canada was a far better land when the Christian ethos was stronger. Social cohesion was stronger. There was less crime. Chivalrous men defended women. Children were discipled in intact families. There was more economic stability. The rule of law, equality before the law and other democratic principles were stronger.

Humanism threatens Canada

As people abandoned Christianity and humanism became more powerful, the social order has begun to unravel. Tyrants began to move into political office, throwing their weight around. Humanism doesn’t promote civility and social order so humanists had to justify their existence. They figured out how to take the credit for promoting democratic principles such as equality before the law. One substantial way of doing this in Canada was to patriate the Charter of Rights and Freedoms and pass “human rights” laws. And of course they redefine words, so that they can use terms that Canadians recognize as important, such as “equality,” in reference to racism, feminism and other transparently discriminatory ideas. It’s wholesale trickery, and Ms. Lynch seems to relish her role in marketing this deception to Canadians.

Ms. Lynch was right about one thing: “Canada has experienced profound transformation” since these documents came into play, but that transformation has been tragically destructive. Today’s humanist establishment is eroding genuine equality, the rule of law and other democratic principles. Today’s liberalism is a debased ideology of power and manipulation.

Censorship preferred over free speech

This is the establishment in which Jennifer Lynch thrives. This is reflected in her unwavering support for Section 13 of the Canadian Human Rights Act, the censorship provision that all conservatives, centrists and level-headed liberals want repealed. Even in the face of the firestorm of opposition to Sec. 13, and the revelations of outrageous anti-democratic abuse of that provision, Ms. Lynch’s organization, the CHRC, released a report last year advocating the retension of Sec. 13 (with some mild and worthless amendments).

In the 2009 annual report, Ms. Lynch’s agency comments on the coverage they received due to the Islamic-instigated CHRC complaint against Rogers Communications over content by Mark Steyn published in Maclean’s magazine: “… Throughout the debate, Canadians witnessed public discourse at its best and its worst. Misinformation, rhetoric and unsubstantiated attacks on the Commission and its staff detracted from the valid question: how can Canada’s approach to balancing these rights [of freedom of expression and equality] be improved?” Feel the arrogance dripping from that statement. And note the self-serving way the Commission frames the controversy, and what they declare to be the only valid question. (You can search Ezra Levant’s websitefor the best analysis of Jennifer Lynch’s thinking on such issues.)

Equality has existed since 1215

Ms. Lynch’s elitism has been very evident in her opposition to free speech. But that she would add to that the glaring ignorance and arrogance of claiming that Canada did not practice equality before the Charter and the CHRA were implemented is astounding.

Ms. Lynch, Canada is part of the British Commonwealth. The British Commonwealth has been bound to the principle of equality before the law since 1215 and the signing of the Magna Carta. Those who required the king to sign the Great Charter also bound themselves to the terms of the law rather than preserving for themselves the right to exist above the law. That’s true equality. You could learn something, Ms. Lynch, if you would get your head out of Canada’s intellectual gutter.

Ms. Lynch, the Magna Carta came into being just a wee bit before you were born. 1215 does come before the 1980s. Ms. Lynch, your chronological snobbery is highly offensive. Your assumption that today is morally superior to yesterday is embarassingly infantile and inaccurate. As a humanist, pushing an egalitarian socialistic ideology, you are eroding true equality in Canada; you are playing your key part in the erosion of Canadian civility and social cohesion.

The CHRC never warned us about the loss of this equality…

One more point about equality. Immediately after reading the CHRC’s annual report, I read a couple of articles from recent research into Canada’s constitutional requirement for representation by population. This principle says that, as much as possible, every Canadian elector’s vote should carry the same value. In other words, ideally, all electoral districts should contain the same number of people. You can never do this perfectly, but free societies in the Judeo-Christian tradition have recognized this as a foundational principle to genuinely democratic governance.

That being said, this study, which doesn’t originate from Red-Neck University, come from the University of Toronto’s School of Public Policy & Governance. Try arguing with them, Ms. Lynch. What the researchers observe is that Canada, with its numerous political manipulations of the electoral system, has a reputation that is inferior to that of Australia, Germany, Switzerland and the United States. Canada “does not live up to internationally accepted democratic standards.” (Cf. “Some Are More Equal Than Others,” by Matthew Mendelsohn.) Oops, Canada’s not a democratic country anymore, it’s a tyranny. I must have slept through all the alarm bells the CHRC rang to warn Canadians about this genuine threat to our democratic tradition.

Actually, Ms. Lynch and her comrades are not interested in real threats to genuine equality (equality before the law and equality of influence in our governance. She’s interested in adolescent concerns over parity of outcome. And she champions divisive solutions such as affirmative action, special rights and forced egalitarianism by an increasingly powerful totalitarian state interfering in areas that are none of its business.

Ms. Lynch, your vision is very dangerous for Canada. You still have time to change, and to throw your weight behind patriotic, constructive principles that will make Canada great once again.

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