From ChristianGovernance eletter, November 28, 2012
Click here to see a video compilation of Dan Savage’s militant contempt for God.
ChristianGovernance eletter – November 15, 2012
There was huge media coverage last week for the news that British Columbia members of Canada’s national police force, the RCMP, aligned themselves with a project birthed in the heart and mind of a vicious anti-constitutional (discrimination on the basis of religion) mouthpiece of hatred and bigotry against Christians.
Once again, Statistics Canada, using info generously contributed by police forces across the country, has issued this reassuring statistical commentary: “Canada’s crime rate in 2011 lowest since 1972” Who’s fooling whom? How many Canadians feel safer today than last year? Or the year before that? Or twenty years before that? The death of innocents still features in the news and the ringing of bullets still echoes in the consciousness of Canadians from the Eaton’s shootings, the Scarborough backyard party gone ballistic and the Colorado “Batman” shootings.