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Britain’s Christian Party moving forward…

Published on October 21, 2010 By SiteEditor

From the Christian Party’s fall e-letter…

This Saturday is the Onward & Upward Christian Party Meeting

This day event will outline how the party is moving forward along with new social projects the Christian Party are involved in. We will take a step by step walk through the Local Christian Party manual. Speakers will include Rev George Hargreaves and Philip Richards who is a major donor to the party. This will all take place at the refurbished headquarters at 502 Kingsland Road, Hackney, London.

Not enough evidence to convict British preacher re. homosexual hate crime

Published on September 23, 2010 By SiteEditor

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As prayed for and expected, the Crown Prosecution Service today withdrew the case against a Christian man accused of a public order offence for offending two homosexuals.

Court delays homosexual intimidation strategy against Christian preacher

Published on August 30, 2010 By SiteEditor

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Christian Voice E-Alert – 26th Augsut 2010


Colchester Magistrates today agreed to adjourn the case of Christian brother, Paul Shaw, who is accused of a public order offence relating to an election address distributed in Colchester calling – in very moderate language – for a review of whether sodomy and other homosexual acts should remain legal. It turns out that a couple of homosexual men complained to the police, leading to a completely over-the-top seach of Paul’s flat and confiscation of his diaries in June.