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Courageous Manhood: Titanic anniversary conference lectures now online

Published on May 11, 2012 By SiteEditor

We have started to post the lectures from our recent Titanic anniversary conference. The theme of the conference was “Courageous Manhood: A Titanic Virtue.” Click here to visit our ChristianGovernance website and listen to the lectures. We will continue posting them in the days ahead until all five are there.

Biblical manhood – Wrestler won’t compete against girl

Published on February 19, 2011 By SiteEditor

The Denver Post – February 19, 2011
Boy: Religion won’t let me wrestle girl
By Luke Meredith, The Associated Press

DES MOINES, Iowa — After a standout season in which he went 35-4, Joel Northrup had every reason to dream of winning an Iowa wrestling championship this year, but he gave it all up before his first state tournament match Thursday.

Titanic–Women and Children First banquet

Published on January 17, 2011 By SiteEditor

Titanic–Women and Children First banquet

April 14th is the anniversary of the sinking of the Titanic.

As the Titanic started going down, the call went out, “Women and Children First.” Men stood aside so that women and children could enter the lifeboats and be saved. That sacrifice illustrates the spirit of Biblical manhood that is needed again in our culture.

Do Biblical men party hard or save women?

Published on January 10, 2011 By SiteEditor

As the article below notes, we live in an increasingly immature culture, and we have a Church that is trying to change to appeal to these childish adults instead of a Church committed to holding the line on maturity and calling people to the true vision of God’s Church and its responsibility in the world. As noted near the end, Biblical manhood and Biblical womanhood are key to the true purpose of the Church. Learn more about Biblical manhood and Biblical womanhood at ChristianGovernance’s exciting Titanic 2011-Women and Children First banquet on Friday. April 15th in Ottawa. Feature speaker is Kevin Swanson and feature entertainer is concert pianist, Calvin Jones. Click here to learn more and to order your tickets for this banquet where you will be invigorated and blessed with a message of truth and vision.

Visionary manhood by ChrGov’s Titanic 2011 speaker, Kevin Swanson

Published on November 27, 2010 By SiteEditor

Received via email…

Dear Friends,

NewsWeek MagazineThe world is crying out for men of vision; men who have the courage and conviction to lead their families, churches, and nations in righteousness. In a day where less than a third of men are grown up by the age of thirty, we have a tremendous opportunity to advance where the culture is retreating. How do we train our men to be leaders?

John Wayne – A man’s man

Published on November 27, 2010 By SiteEditor

Ron White’s e-letter is one of the few I always try to read. Here’s an excellent commentary he wrote for his e-letter this past Wednesday. Click here to visit Ron White’s website and review his materials on personal and business success. This column brings to mind our ChristianGovernance “Titanic 2011″ banquet, coming up next April, with its theme of Biblical manhood and Biblical womanhood.

We need more men in Canada

Published on November 12, 2010 By SiteEditor

ChristianGovernance e-letter – November 11, 2010

We need more men in Canada

We live in a hyper-feminized culture where masculinity is mocked, caricatured and condemned. Many men go along with it – and others are simply lost and confused. We read about young women being more purpose-driven and focused than men, aimless men staying home with parents into their late twenties and thirties, and the sexual confusion of homosexuality and what today is called “transgendered.”