ChristianGovernance eletter – September 17, 2012
Narcissism – “a normal condition at the infantile level of personality development.” – November 9, 2010
Woman Gives Birth to Homosexual Son’s Baby
By Matthew Cullinan Hoffman
A fifty-year-old Mexican woman has given birth to a child whose biological father is her homosexual son, according to the Mexico City newspaper Reforma. Reforma reports that the woman, whose name has been withheld, decided to offer her womb to her 31-year-old son “Jorge,” a single homosexual businessman who wanted a child. A childhood friend, who is married, contributed the ovum. Jorge’s son was conceived through in-vitro fertilization with the assistance of obstetrician-gynecologist Juan Manuel Casillas and implanted in his mother’s womb.
The Daily Telegraph – November 9, 2010
Gay sperm donor in legal fight with lesbian mother
By Tim Ross
The Globe & Mail – September 25, 2010
ASSISTED REPRODUCTION: Her little girl was born with sperm donor 3168 – or so she thought. But he’s not a match Now she’s caught inan ethical conundrum, yet fertility clinics aren’t being held accountable
Ny Amber Kanwar
He was known only as donor number 3168, a laboratory identity with flesh-and-blood consequences.
It’s immoral to intentionally attempt to have children without being married. But imagine the kind of self-centered, uncouth women who made the following comments… Such women should definitely be banned from pursuing parenthood until they decided to grow up and act like adults.
From “The Baby Delivery Service” (The Daily Telegraph, September 26, 2010):
August 12, 2010
Offspring of sperm donors seek changes so they can find fathers more easily
Canadian Press Newswire
NEW YORK – Katrina Clark and Lindsay Greenawalt have much in common. Bright women in their 20s, raised by single mothers, keenly curious about the men whose donated sperm helped give them life.
A lesbian extremist in Australia has filed a discrimination complaint against Family First Senate candidate Wendy Francis because she indicated that there are superior and inferior ways to raise children, and that the superior option is with a father and a mother in an intact family. She was criticising homosexual parenting as a social experiment with unknown, and potentially destructive, results. Ms. Francis has said that she has since been the victim of a malicious homosexualist terror campaign. – July 28, 2010
‘Eggsploitation’ Documentary Reveals Secrets of Infertility Industry
WASHINGTON – A new documentary, “Eggsploitation,” just released by The Center for Bioethics and Culture Network (CBCN) reveals shocking information about the infertility industry. – July 8, 2010
New Canadian Governor General Spearheaded Pro-Gay Adoption/IVF Report
By Patrick B. Craine
OTTAWA – Canada’s new Governor General, whose appointment was officially announced Thursday, has been an advocate for homosexual adoption and the destruction of unborn life through government-funded in vitro fertilization (IVF). – June 18, 2010
Study: Donor-Conceived Children More Likely to be Isolated, Delinquent
By James Tillman
NEW YORK, New York – A new study released by the Commission on Parenthood’s Future has found that children conceived from a sperm donation are more likely than children raised by their biological parents to be isolated from their parents, to be delinquent, or have substance abuse problems. In many cases the donor-conceived child also experienced more isolation and worry than adopted children.