Tag Archive: Declaration of Independence

Liberty’s Triumphant Symbolism

NewsWithViews.com – October 11, 2010
Liberty’s Triumphant Symbolism
By Attorney Jonathan Emord

Obama still hates God and Lincoln’s “theocracy”

WorldNetDaily – October 3, 2010
Now ‘under God’ dropped from Gettysburg Address!: ‘We now have positive evidence they know exactly what they are doing’
By Bob Unruh

Barack Obama twice in recent days has dropped from a quotation from the Declaration of Independence a reference to the “Creator,” and now a columnist at First Things has documented how a self-described “leading progressive legal organization” has simply dropped “under God” from the Gettysburg address.

Obama hates God with a vengeance

Is it treason against God to declare Obama a Christian, as some still want to do, giving him the benefit of the doubt in terms of his transparently corrupt profession?

WorldNetDaily – September 18, 2010
Obama drops ‘Creator’ from Declaration quote: President gives no credit to author of life, liberty, pursuit of happiness

John Dunphy, a self-avowed Secular Humanist, in a 1983 issue of The Humanist magazine:

God’s law [alone] gives you a right to be free

Read the complete commentary here.

June 23, 2010
Laura Ingalls on the Declaration of Independence
By Ronald W. Kirk

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