I came across Miley Cyrus’s video “7 Things” yesterday. It would be considered tame today. And in terms of sexuality, it was. But it was a disgusting video. It dealt with the torment that girls feel when a guy they like breaks up with them. There are numerous lamentable things about the centrality our infantile culture places on romance when it comes to relationships. It is a leading contributor to this on-again, off-again approach to relationships that shreds people’s hearts. It’s incredibly destructive, foolish and sinful. But what is most offensive about Miley Cyrus’s video, showing how morally backward she is, is that her female props in the video, the girls who were acting out the loss of a boyfriend and the emotional turmoil, all looked like pre-teens.

It might be normative in our filthy culture for children that young to have their romantic emotions awakened, wasting time in relationships and suffering the rape of their hearts, but it’s evil. It’s outrageous that parents allow their children to rape each other’s hearts at that age. But just because it happens, doesn’t mean that it’s morally acceptable to normalize it by the way it’s discussed in public, such as by entertainers. Normalizing this wicked emotional rape of our children is inexcusable. This kind of message, contributing to the emotional destruction of pre-teens, may well be worse than the sexually explicit filth Miley Cyrus has produced in other music videos.