Why go the wrong way if you don’t have to? CollegePlus! and Life Purpose Planning

CollegePlus! – March 2010
Life Purpose Planning Helps a Student Find Her Calling
By Linnea Caswell

“Why am I here?”
It’s a big, scary question. It’s a question everyone asks at some point. It’s a question CollegePlus! helps students answer using a technique called “Life Purpose Planning”. CollegePlus! graduate Elizabeth Hougland, from Illinois, shares how Life Purpose Planning helped her take a big, broad goal to “glorify God” and distill it into a purpose statement that infuses life with an eternal perspective.

Change of Plans
Initially, Elizabeth was not interested in CollegePlus! as a higher education option. Though her mom encouraged her to consider it, her heart was leaning towards going away somewhere for a year or two. As the oldest of eight she was convinced that studying at home, amidst the inevitable distractions and commitments of a large family, would not work in her situation. God has a way of intervening, however, and He completely changed Elizabeth’s feelings about CollegePlus!.

God’s Ways are Best
She says now that CollegePlus! has been “an extremely positive experience…I can’t tell you how happy I am [with that decision].” Specifically, she is so grateful for the spiritual influence of her coach. Halfway through the degree process she found herself in a relationship (which is culminating in her wedding this spring), and was very blessed by the emotional, spiritual, and real-life guidance her coach provided.

What is Life Purpose Planning?
The first step in the CollegePlus! coaching program, Life Purpose Planning (LPP) uses a five-assignment workbook to help students identify their God-given passions and gifts, write out a personalized mission (or life purpose) statement, and implement that mission through long and short term goals and specific plans of action.

A Great Beginning
At first, Elizabeth didn’t realize that LPP was part of the CollegePlus! routine. She says however, “It was kind of cool to ease me into the process…to develop a relationship with my coach before starting tests.” In her opinion, the whole process was “really, really good.” Elizabeth commented that CollegePlus! is not an academic program that pushes you through CLEP tests one after another at breathtaking speed – instead they’re concerned about you as a person. “They want to help you become the person God wants you to be.”

Major Switch
LPP helped Elizabeth realize that writing is something she really enjoys – and is the main way she loves to reach other people. The journalism field is of high interest, so she considered English and Journalism degrees. However, based on advice she received from others, she decided to switch her major, earning her Bachelor of Arts in Political Science in about 20 months. Her goal was to gain knowledge in a specific area, while learning to write well, so as to have greater options in the future. In her life purpose statement she says: “Through writing…I hope to reach countless people that would have been otherwise unreachable before. I want to be actively involved in raising up the next generation in righteousness and Godliness, but will commit my life to whatever the Father wills for me.”

Practically Implemented
Since Elizabeth is highly goal-oriented and self-motivated, she loved using LPP to set goals and plan a general outline for the next five years of her life. Not unexpectedly, though, things haven’t gone exactly as she planned. Proverbs 1:9 says “The heart of man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps.” For example, Elizabeth had planned “traveling” for December 2009 – hoping to maybe visit her grandparents. Instead, the Lord arranged an incredible trip to India where she spent the entire month of February at a Bible college teaching English, mentoring girls, working in the library, and seeing God’s hand at work! Instead of getting some experience in journalism this year, she’s getting married in May and planning on “serving my husband, being a good wife” and figuring out the freelance writing world.

Making the Most of LPP
When asked for suggestions on how to really benefit from LPP, Elizabeth said, “Take it seriously.” “Don’t play around with this”, she advised. “You know, finishing your assignments right before your coach is scheduled to call you.” Spend time in prayer, thought, and with godly mentors. Dig down deep to figure out – what am I really here for? How do I glorify God specifically and practically with my personal gifts and talents?

Final Thoughts
To all fellow CollegePlus! students, she says “Be committed about what you’re doing. Set goals for yourself. Don’t get stressed – keep Christ as your concentration.” Through LPP, Elizabeth increased her eternal perspective and encourages others to focus on the long-term. This is more about “glorifying God, than about passing tests,” she said. Life Purpose Planning is just one avenue CollegePlus! students use to learn to practically and effectively use their gifts to glorify God and build His kingdom.

If earning an accredited bachelor’s degree may be part of your life plan, click here to find out how CollegePlus! can help you earn the degree of your choice in half the time and at a fraction of the cost of traditional college.

Linnea Caswell is a CollegePlus! graduate and lives in Illinois with her family. She earned a BA degree from Thomas Edison State College, is a certified paralegal, teaches piano, and does freelance graphic design.

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