Time to go to work, says the Christian Heritage Party

CHP Communiqué – Vol 17, No 25 * June 29, 2010
Time to Go to Work!
By Jim Hnatiuk, Leader of the Christian Heritage Party

What’s the point of having salt in the shaker if you’re not willing to shake it? How is it possible for light to shine when the blinds are drawn and the doors are closed and locked? What is the commission? Is it really great or has it been embarrassingly forgotten for the sake of self-preservation and comfort?

It’s time Christians put aside their ‘every reason under the sun’ and woke up to the fact that we have allowed our organisations (regardless of name) to become places of refuge for those who will adhere to a particular creed. Look at the result — secular ideology in education, welfare and the judicial system, all of which were gladly gobbled up by a government that was happy to take control, while we fought amongst ourselves or slept.

The founders of the Christian Heritage Party of Canada built the CHP on foundations that could not move, but they also wanted the doors to be open and our policies to be the light attracting Canadians from all corners of our great country to get onboard.

More and more Canadians are getting onboard! Canadians truly want honesty and integrity returned to government and Canadians are realising that CHP Canada is serious about making this happen.

A federal political party established by Roman Catholics and Protestants, the CHP is the trans-denominational armoured vehicle pressing forward, growing in strength and in numbers with one destination in sight.

Membership requires that members agree that “Canada’s heritage, culture, and rule of law, as referenced in the preamble to the Canadian Constitution, are rooted in the understanding that “God” refers to the God of the Bible. [And] that the purpose of civil government is to ensure security, freedom, and justice for all its citizens from conception until natural death, by upholding just laws.”

Unlike other political parties, all CHP leadership personnel are willing to undergo a thorough integrity analysis to ensure that they will promote the aim of the party, which is to attain the leadership of this great country and govern it according to the Christian heritage on which it was founded.

I speak to those inside and outside CHP Canada: never before in Canada’s 143 year history has it been more important for all Canadians to pull up the blinds, open their doors and step out to take back our nation.

Let’s get to work!

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