“Throw the bums out”

Ottawa Sun – November 12, 2010
Too cosy by far: Time to get rid of old, stale, comfortable MPs of all stripes
By Brian Lilley, QMI Agency

We need to throw the bums out. I’m not talking political parties or leaders at this point, but the actual bums filling the seats in the House of Commons. Some of them have been there just way too long.

Consider how comfortable some MPs have become.

Outgoing Conservative Greg Thompson thought it was OK to use taxpayers dollars to send a notice encouraging voters to back his hand-picked successor. Helena Guergis sent out a flyer reminding voters in her riding to support the troops and, oh, she asked, will you vote for me and give me all your contact info?

Liberal MPs John Cannis and Judy Sgro were found to be renting out property from their spouse and children, respectively, and then charging back those large amounts to the taxpayers. That’s a violation of House of Commons rules and both MPs have reportedly had to pay back tens of thousands of dollars. But you and I won’t know because they won’t tell us and the secret committee that deals with these matters won’t talk. Quite frankly, the police should have been called in.

This week, Liberal MP Keith Martin announced he was leaving politics after 17 years on the Hill. That may sound like a long time for anyone to be in politics but Martin is not alone. There are 21 other MPs who have been there just as long, including Cannis and his cosy rental agreement.

But wait, it gets worse!

Read the rest here.

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