Where Are the Warnings?: By Rod Taylor

By Rod Taylor

Across the Eastern US and Canada, Hurricane Sandy has arrived—in full fury—much as the weathermen said she would. The tracking and predictions of this unbelievable storm have been the main course for major news media for several days and well they should have been. People have been duly warned to gather supplies and to prepare in every way for the winds and water. Although the damage was phenomenal and there has been tragic loss of life, no doubt many people have been spared thanks to the urgency and thoroughness of the preparations and the reporting of the storm’s path and progress.

Meanwhile, on BC’s West Coast, a 7.7 earthquake centered in Haida Gwaii rumbled through, followed by aftershocks as high as 6.3 with no apparent loss of life and relatively little damage, the latter attributed largely to the early warning systems in place and the earthquake and tsunami preparations made by regional planners and local governments (as well as the grace of God).

However, across this nation and around the world, a storm is coming of nearly unimaginable proportions that threatens far greater damage than Sandy. A seismic shift of cataclysmic magnitude is already underway but the beltway media in the US and the mainstream media in Canada seem barely cognizant of it and even less interested in sounding the alarm. No state-run emergency services are addressing the nation nor are the president and prime minister calling on citizens to prepare. I’m speaking, of course, of the Demographic Winter approaching as the US and Canada commit mass suicide…one little life at a time.

In the past 40 years, Canada has killed 3.5 million babies by abortion and the US has killed closer to 50 million. China has “prevented the births of 400 million” as they proudly and euphemistically put it. In China, the one-child policy has resulted (beyond the deaths of these millions and the unknown numbers of mothers who have died—without anesthesia—at the hands of the “forced-abortion” brigades) in a lack of women, an unbalanced gender demographic creating all kinds of social problems and unrest. In the US and Canada, gender-selection abortion is only part of the problem. The lack of children and the greying of our society have closed schools and classrooms, created workplace shortages, put in place a declining housing market in many places, altered our immigration goals and expectations and disrupted families and communities.

One major impact of the “birth dearth” which most recognize but few are willing to discuss is the health care crisis hanging over the head of every citizen 40 and older: who will care for us when we reach the age of more obvious dependence? (I say “more obvious” because every citizen depends on others in many ways, whether family members, grocers, road maintenance people or your favourite plumber or grocer). The needs, however, of an 80-year old with health challenges require a more specific and intentional interaction. If there is nobody to care or nobody to pay for that care, we and our fellow citizens will understand the meaning of being alone.

Concurrent with this trend, forming the “perfect storm” for North Americans, is the impending financial collapse of governments, banks and other institutions which will take place when our inability to pay the interest on our debts overtakes our frantic grasping for the things that borrowed money can buy: luxurious accommodations, unreasonable entitlements based on self-created “rights” and the loyalty and votes of an increasingly dependent and increasingly manipulated electorate.

I take my hat off to those who have worked hard to alert and prepare Canadians and Americans to weather the storms and earthquakes that have come our way. I call on the media and government officials to demonstrate equal interest, passion and concern to warning our people of the disastrous consequences of carelessly aborting a generation and spending the yet-unearned wealth of future generations on the selfish distractions we shower ourselves with today.

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