“What a Tangled Web We Weave…”: Rod Taylor

By Rod Taylor

“…when first we practice to deceive.” So goes the old proverb and admonition to youth. You can fool “some of the people part of the time” but sometimes the evidence ruins our best-laid plans. We know the jig is up when we are no longer able to fool ourselves, usually the first and last victim of a deceitful heart. Outside circumstances and appearances can be altered, vocabulary can be hijacked and oft-repeated falsehoods can be forced on a confused public but when the chickens come home to roost…they’re still chickens. Bowing to political correctness (surprise! surprise!), the CBC dutifully reported thiss week that a “man” is fighting a medical bill for “his” hysterectomy. That’s his-sterical…

Apparently some of the folks who look after billing for Nova Scotia Health are so old-time that they didn’t think the removal of female organs from the person named Jessiah Macdonald (born Jessica Macdonald and voluntarily mutilated by surgical gender adjustment) should be covered by taxpayer dollars since “men” normally do not require hysterectomies. But this person, now using the name Jessiah, claims to be a “man”…and the “woman” lawyer (who was born a man) representing him / her claims that it is only fair and just that taxpayers should pay for the hysterectomy, even while Jessiah claims to be a man.

It gets difficult to find the right words to use to properly discuss these kinds of situations. One has to ignore physical realities, millennia of human tradition and normal rules of logic to even approach the make-believe world of transgenderism. But like it or not, that mythical world of make-believe has captured the gun turrets of the CBC and the other self-appointed definers of culture and they solemnly talk about confused and self-mutilated citizens as if they were a legitimate branch of humanity, born in the wrong bodies and destined to fix God’s mistakes by forcing taxpayers to play make-believe with them.

Perhaps a day will come when the curtain will be pulled back, the lights will come back on and the actors and actresses now seeking so earnestly to convince us that the costume is the real identity will laugh, take off their masks and tell us this was all a big tragicomic joke. Until that time, those of us who understand that God “made them male and female” will have to find ways to explain that to those around us—those who still believe CBC reports only the facts. The facts of life include the actual original “gender assignment” made by God, the One who made us in His image and yet uniquely gifted for the life and work He has prepared for us.

We all need to be prepared for our assignments and to accept them “like a man.” In heaven there is neither male nor female…but we’re not there yet.

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