More anti-Christian bigotry in criticism of pro-life support

The degree of illiteracy that many Canadians have about democratic traditions is stunning (cf. the Yellowknifer editorial below). It is also shocking how the blind hatred against social conservatism or Christianity turns heathen brains into mush. Even in the case of newspaper editors who many people would expect to be more intelligent and intellectually responsible than others. But here again – this time in a Yellowknifer editorial – we get a liberal advancing the fascist notion that a Christian can’t represent non-Christians. It is amazing the way silver-tongued devils can make fascism sound like democracy.

The editorial is reprinted below. The Yellowknifer is urging the Yellowknife Catholic school board not to grant a pro-life group’s request for funding. Whatever the merits of the rest of the editorial, the following foolish statement is included as part of the argument: “non-Catholics have a right to some representation on the YCS board.” You hear that refrain constantly in Canadian politics. So exactly where does it stop? Do we need to have brunettes, blondes and redheads on every governmental body to make it truly representative? Bald men, and hairy men? Does every bra cup size need to be included? What about guys with a tongue piercing, an eyebrow piercing, a lower lip ring and those who are ringless?

What makes the abortion issue and homosexuality so important that they are set apart by liberals over against these other criteria for distinguishing people? It’s the raw bigotry of anti-Christian harassment. It’s attempts by anti-Christians to come up with a rational argument to protect what is actually a personal belief. It’s a deadly cancer of anti-democratic sympathies. Such dangerous views need to be rooted out and exposed to the light of reason.

Yellowknifer – September 29, 2010
Divisive politics doesn’t belong in schools
Gulf grows with community whenever Catholic school board takes extremist stance

It would be a shame if the Yellowknife Catholic school board decides to give money to the group Youth Pro-Life.

The anti-abortion organization approached YCS for funding at the board’s Sept. 15 meeting. Although the board has not yet made a decision, it should consider that giving money to a pro-life group, which takes an extreme stance on the issue of abortion, would only pit the school board against much of the community.

Recent history shows us the school board’s hardline positions have turned off some residents – for instance its attempt to remove former board trustee and non-Catholic Amy Hacala and the related court case on that issue. The Supreme Court of Canada refused to hear the case last year, allowing Hacala and non-Catholics to prevail.

The point was that, despite the fact YCS is mandated to deliver Catholic education, there are students from a variety of backgrounds attending Catholic schools, some with other beliefs in a supreme being, some who don’t believe in a god at all. By extension, non-Catholics have a right to some representation on the YCS board. In 2007 then-Catholic board chair Shannon Gullberg claimed Education Minister Charles Dent wanted to “eradicate” Catholic education when YCS was pushing for another school. That was not a credible statement in the eyes of many.

All the while, public support for Catholic Schools has been ebbing. Enrollment is dropping and taxpayers are choosing to put more money towards the Yk 1 public board.

If YCS chooses to give money to the pro-lifers it will once again be viewed as staking out an extreme position, and will take it a step closer to “eradication” by its own actions.

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