Sep 10
Fanatically socialist Greenpeace treats environment as secondary issue
The Calgary Sun – September 21, 2010
Greenpeace not slick: Oilsands bashing ignores problems of other options for oil
By Ezra Levant
My new book, Ethical Oil, went on sale last Tuesday, and within three days no fewer than five different corporate lobbyists debated me on TV and radio. They told me I’m being too judgmental of oil companies, and that my attempts to measure the ethics of oil were a distraction from more important issues. And they ignored me when I asked them about their carbon footprint – jet-setting around the world.
To be clear, these five spin doctors weren’t working for any oil company themselves – they work for Greenpeace, the multi-national entity headquartered in Europe. And the ethical track record they were trying to get me to ignore was that of Saudi Arabia and Iran, not Canada. I wanted them to admit Canada’s oil ethics are superior to those of OPEC countries like Saudi Arabia, Iran and Nigeria. They refused to do so – in fact, it was like pulling teeth even to get them to admit that those other countries had moral failings. None of the five – including Greenpeace Canada’s executive director, and Greenpeace International’s global warming campaigner – would even admit Canada is a morally superior country to Saudi Arabia, a theocratic dictatorship where women have no rights, foreign migrants do the dirty work, and that finances terrorists.
What’s going on here? Greenpeace is great at marshalling the language of moral disgust when dealing with Canada. They call our oil “dirty oil,” actually claim our oil “kills” people, and they’ve branded Canada a “climate criminal.” That’s over the top – standard operating procedure for Greenpeace, which is second only to PETA for outrageous stunts that erode their credibility but enhance their PR.
Read the complete article here.