Changing the climate: who sets the dial?: Rod Taylor

By Rod Taylor

In all areas of social interaction, the reporting of news and its interpretation can always be looked at and handled in two ways: the newsman can either be reading the thermometer or setting the thermostat. In the case of Canada’s own CBC and many of its contemporaries in the Mainstream Media, we’ve long seen the funding of social change through biased reporting, selective coverage and thinly-veiled leveraging of information. Abortion, same-sex marriage, guesstimates of the earth’s age and opinions about the origin of life clothed in the respectability of “science”—all these have been paraded, parsed and punctuated for years. As each successive campaign winds down, these thermostat-adjusters can always be heard attempting to close the debate by issuing a series of stories with the general tone of: “scientists agree” or “conclusive evidence convinces skeptics.”

Speaking of climate, weather, temperature and thermostats, the CBC has apparently concluded that the time is right to end the “climate change / global warming” debate. In a recent article online, Droughts show global warming is ‘scientific fact’ (CBC News online Aug 5, 2012) CBC quotes a “new study” they claim proves beyond reasonable doubt that the planet is, in fact, warming and at an alarming rate. They reference recent droughts to prove their point. (I can imagine new debates erupting between the “droughters” and the “doubters.”)

There are several problems with the way this information is presented as well as what important info is left out altogether:

  • First, there is an assumption that if a global warming trend can be demonstrated, it naturally follows that it is man-caused and, more specifically, the result of our “carbon footprint.”
  • The presence of data showing a warming trend based on the relatively stable period of the ‘50s and ‘60s is like considering a bump in the road as a long-wave trend. The few years since data has been systematically measured and documented are really a very short timeline in the bigger scheme of things. We know that there were significant droughts in biblical times—spanning multiple years—as well as evidence of warmer climates 1,000 years ago when Greenland had more agriculture than it does today.
  • The dial-setters in the MSM seem quite comfortable with conjecture presented as “scientific fact” when it supports their worldview and agenda. Even the study quoted here hypothesizes global warming because of the “unlikely” number of droughts occurring in recent years. They say it is unreasonable to believe that doesn’t statistically indicate global warming. How much proof does it take to convince them of a fact they try to ignore? All the evidence in the world—from the existence of one humming atom to the wingbeats of a hummingbird to our own ability to reason and debate—shout that there is an omniscient, omnipresent, omnipotent God, a sentient being capable of controlling the paths of the planets and the climates of millennia. The special creation of man, with mind, will and emotion is demonstrated in countless ways so that “deniers” are “without excuse.” Yet still, these MSM wizards keep looking for “the God particle” or presume to speak of “discovering the origins of man.”

In another recent article, Artificial cooling of Earth could reverse global warming (CBC News online Dec. 2, 2011) the author speculates that mankind (the apparent culprit for all our climatic and anti-climactic ills) could take steps to reverse the process by painting roofs white, spraying the clouds with sea water or spraying sulphur into the air. The article states, “Notions of manipulating the climate to impede global warming have been on the fringe of scientific discussion for some time, but is moving increasingly toward the mainstream.” This statement is both frightening and naïve. Frightening, because although nobody really knows for sure what, if any, portion of “climate change” is due to the activities of mankind, so-called “scientists” could be arrogant enough to think they could do a better job than God of regulating sun, wind and rain. Remember when someone thought it was a good idea to bring rabbits to Australia? Naïve, because military and commercial civilian “manipulators” have been at this for decades already, seeking to regulate the weather. Airplanes are routinely sent to deliberately pollute our skies with barium, potassium, calcium and aluminium, all in the name of “controlling the weather.” People may disagree about the effectiveness of such methods but the fact remains that government agencies, farmers and utility companies pay to have these chemicals sprayed into the air to increase or decrease rainfall in a particular area. This phenomenon is not discussed in polite company but it should be. If Canadians are being told to not idle their cars due to concerns about supposed effects on climate, why is it okay for companies to deliberately pump chemicals into the atmosphere for the express purpose of changing the weather (i.e. “the climate”). There needs to be a national discussion about the right of citizens to not have someone tampering with their weather.

CBC, of course, could not resist throwing this nugget into the article, “…curb greenhouse gas emissions, mainly from burning fossil fuels, responsible for climate change…” There you have it! Rock solid proof. CBC says that fossil fuels are “responsible for climate change.” I know the climate changes in my truck when I’m burning fossil fuels and I turn the A/C unit on. But that’s my personal climate. I don’t want CBC and their “scientist” friends adjusting the thermostat for the whole planet. A much better step would be to acknowledge the One who made the heavens and the earth, repent of the many ways in which mankind has offended Him, call on Him for His mercy and ask Him to send the “early and the latter rain.”

“Elias was a man subject to like passions as we are, and he prayed earnestly that it might not rain: and it rained not on the earth by the space of three years and six months.  And he prayed again, and the heaven gave rain, and the earth brought forth her fruit…” James 5: 17,18 As Bob Mumford said many years ago, “Aren’t you glad not everyone can make the sun stand still?”

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