Canada’s Angry Foreign Affairs Minister Promotes Gay Agenda Around the Globe: Rod Taylor

By Rod Taylor

Long known as the PM’s bulldog in Parliament, Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird is not shy nor slow of speech. Quick to react and quick to respond, his value to Canada is not determined by his ability but by what drives him.  Just days ago, he earned the respect of many around the world for explaining why, in the interest of safety and to send a clear message to Iran, Canada was shuttering its Iranian embassy. While this move displeased the left-leaning MSM, it showed support for Israel and it showed  a Canadian strength and discipline that is sorely needed on the world stage. He and the Prime Minister are to be commended for facing the nuclear-seeking mullahs down. The importance and significance of that act was made crystal clear when—a few days later—the mighty USA was humiliated by having several of its middle-east embassies overrun and its ambassador assassinated and paraded through the streets.

Thank you Mr. Baird for your forceful and competent resolve re. Iran. But now our Foreign Affairs crusader has taken it upon himself to loudly and emphatically put homosexuality as a major target category of international human rights violations—one that requires Canada’s intervention—lumping it together with women’s rights, the mistreatment of racial minorities and the abuse of people whose religious convictions differ with those of the dictators under which they live.

I object. First of all, sovereignty should mean something. The right of sovereign nations to enact laws reflecting their cultural traditions is a long-standing principle. Of course, we reject the killing of innocent citizens of any country whether on racial terms, religious groupings or even personal lifestyle choices. But as we all know by now, the “gay agenda” being foisted upon the bewildered citizens of Canada and other Western countries has nothing to do with the isolated instances of “gay-bashing” and the execution of known homosexuals in foreign lands. It is simply a thinly-veiled attempt to ensure that the homosexual lifestyle is paraded through our streets as “the new normal” and that anyone who speaks out against the imposition of homosexually-explicit, culture-eroding “education” is deemed to be hateful, narrow and increasingly silent.

Note to Mr. Baird and Mr. Harper: Please review your mandate and your responsibilities. Christians are being murdered throughout the middle-east and their churches are being burned. This is not a Pride Parade moment. Canada still has some respect in the world. Use that respect to confront these actual horrifying abuses of good people trying to live good lives. In China, where an abusive government forces abortion on unwilling women and political prisoners are routinely tortured and executed, Canada could and should have something to say. Last I heard, however, Canada is extending its right hand for more business dealings. Of course, Canada’s new moralizing on the virtues of homosexual practice may come in handy when China’s disproportionate male population comes of age. All those years of the “one-child policy” have created a sex-selection-abortion nightmare.  A generation of lonely males may make John Baird their “poster boy”. Move over, Svend Robinson; the “Conservatives” are in power.

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