Apr 10
Islam’s ethic of sexual perversion vs. Christianity and self-government
Read the complete article here.
American Vision – April 21, 2010
Civilization and Self-Control
By Bojidar Marinov
“I don’t want men looking at me lustfully when I work here.”
This is how a Muslim girl, cashier at Wal-Mart, replied to my wife’s question about the purpose of her head-covering, wrapped tightly around her head, covering everything except her face.
My first reaction was, “Phew, how do you look ‘lustfully’ at a woman’s hair?” In a Christian society, the hair is the glory of a woman (1 Cor. 11:15). We don’t normally expect Western men to fantasize over a woman’s hair; and hair is a legitimate ornament for a woman, as far as the Bible is concerned. Deviations, of course, have existed in every culture, but are they so common in the Western societies as to warrant such strict dress-code? What made this Muslim girl have such strange views about modesty?
Her views are not informed by the norms of the Western society but by the tenets of her Muslim worldview. According to the teaching of the Muslim religious teachers, a woman is a sexual object from her hair to her feet, and every part of her body is an occasion for seduction. Westerners usually believe that the burqas and the yashmaks of the Muslim women have some religious significance – something like the head coverings Paul mentions in 1 Corinthians 11. They don’t. The only significance of Muslim clothing for women is the avoidance of sexual seduction by the woman. Burqas are not a religious symbol; they are a protective barrier, protecting both men and women from the male sexual lust.
Islam has a very specific view of man’s libido. In the Muslim worldview, male sexual lust is a central fact of man’s personality. It is a force that can’t be controlled in any possible way from the inside; one only accepts it as a fact and seeks ways to curb it externally. A woman is viewed as a sexual object only because a man is viewed as an animal whose sexual drive has no brakes or limits. A man is always defined by his lust, whatever other characteristics he may have. Rich men are expected to have multiple wives, and concubines as well. The sultans of the Ottoman Empire – the leaders of the Muslim world for centuries – were expected to have hundreds of wives, not so much because it was expedient for the Empire, but rather because that’s what a good Muslim was supposed to do. Most of the teachings or counseling of Muslim scholars you can find online are concerned with sexual lust, relationships between the sexes, or sexual relations within the family. Man as a sexual animal is the essential belief of the Muslim view of man, and nothing can be done about it.
This belief was also expressed in the rampant homosexuality and pederasty existing in the Muslim world for centuries. In cultures where the rich had the opportunities to appropriate many girls for themselves, and where male sexuality was considered a central fact of life, many of the younger and poorer members of society resorted to homosexuality because of the lack of available women. Even today, Muslim homosexual poetry is considered the “finest” in its “genre” among the connoisseurs. Contrary to what some Muslims today claim, the Muslim countries didn’t have anti-homosexual legislation until the late 19th century, and that appeared only as a result of Christian – particularly Victorian – influence on educated Muslim elites. In late 19th and in 20th centuries notable European homosexuals (John Maynard Keynes, Lord Byron, Joe Orton, and others), would make trips to Muslim countries to satisfy their lust for boys. It was considered normal in the Muslim world that a grown man without a wife would seek the services of young boys.
And of course, affirming this view of man, the eternal promise of Islam to its male adherents is blatantly sexual and promiscuous in nature: 72 virgins for every faithful Muslim, created to be his eternal sexual slaves.
No wonder Islam seldom teaches self-control in man. While acknowledging the destructive nature of male uncontrolled lust, Islam leaves it to women to protect themselves and society from destruction by choosing their clothing in such a way as to completely shut them off from the world. Men are supposed to remain at the level of immature puberty their whole lives. Women and girls are supposed to act wise and mature from a very early age, exercising external control where men are unable to exercise internal self-control. In the Shariah legislation, a woman is guilty of adultery even when raped. It must be her fault, and the man is very often absolved, as being an innocent victim of his own overwhelming lust and the woman’s lack of prudence.
Read the complete article here.