Jun 12
Is government school fundraising an act of treason?
ChristianGovernance eletter – June 26, 2012
Is fundraising an act of treason?
One of the few ways in which people today can contribute directly to their children’s government schooling, which is to say, exercise direct personal responsibility in the system, is to participate in school fundraisers.
Today’s New Democrats are militant socialists. As such, they have a visceral hostility to the idea of personal responsibility. This also makes them enemies of human dignity, which is fundamental to personal responsibility.
This is what Ontario NDP Education Critic Peter Tabuns said: “We are getting increasingly a two-tiered education system. That speaks to the need for adequate funding of the education system so parents don’t feel compelled to raise money” (West Carleton Review EMC, June 11, 2012).
Socialism is all about the suffocating centralization of human society, totalitarian repression and the elimination of freedom or choice. It comes quietly and gradually so blind people don’t see it, and language like that appears extreme until it’s too late. (Blindness includes historical illiteracy among those who don’t learn from the past.)
Socialists are in constant war against personal responsibility and human dignity.
Fundraising is also a testimony to the failure of the state-ist government school system. And socialists never concede defeat. Their radical utopian vision is always just one more day – or month or decade – away from realization. That is why they will never openly tolerate fundraising. It’s an act of sacrilege against the Messianic State, the Humanist god. It’s an act of idolatry, of faithlessness, of subversion, of treason.