“Rescuing YOU from ‘Human Rights’” Fundraising Dinner

May 28, 2010

Inaugural Fundraising Dinner for ChristianGovernance

“Rescuing YOU from ‘Human Rights’”

Click here to order your tickets for our Fundraising Dinner. You will hear great speakers and enjoy wonderful food and entertainment.

More and more Christians are learning the importance of Christian worldview – how distinct Christianity is, from the humanistic and materialistic world around us. You are learning that Christianity offers real and practical solutions to the challenges people face in this broken world – problems people can’t solve through more money, more secular humanism, more government, more sexual immorality or more entertainment.

The “human rights” industry is part of this story because an increasing number of Christians – as well as other honest Canadians and hard-working businessmen – are being persecuted and crushed by Canada’s human rights commissions.

  • How do Human Rights Commissions persecute Christians?
  • How do “human rights” threaten legitimate Ontario businesses?
  • How do taxpayer funded Human Rights Commissions threaten the fundamental justice and freedom you expect as a law-abiding Canadian?
  • How can something that ostensibly promotes and protects “human rights” be so bad?

It’s difficult to talk about Canada’s human rights commissions without sounding melodramatic. Most people’s lives are never DIRECTLY touched by them, so they don’t realize how dangerous these agencies are. But the danger is real.

At ChristianGovernance’s Inaugural Fundraising Dinner, you will hear from:

Leslie Bartley, VP of the Christian Heritage Party and small business owner

Leslie and her husband, Jerry, own a small business – an ice cream parlour – in Woodstock, Ontario. They fired an employee because eyewitnesses reported that he was stealing from them. He decided to exact revenge and exploit Ontario’s “human rights” industry by filing a discrimination complaint with the Ontario Human Rights Commission. He claimed that they, as Christians, had fired him because he is an atheist. In the court system, you can be penalized if you file a frivolous or vexatious lawsuit. Even if it’s a legitimate suit, if you lose, you can expect to pay the defendant’s costs. Not so with human rights complaints. A complainant has nothing to lose. Meanwhile the defendants, as in this case, can be out thousands of dollars in legal fees. Leslie will tell you the rest of her story at the Dinner on July 17th.

Connie Fournier, founder of the popular internet forum Free Dominion

Free Dominion is hosted by a Panamanian web hosting company because they had to find an offshore hosting company to protect the privacy of their members in the face of possible human rights complaints. Connie and Mark Fournier recently won a court battle against Richard Warman, a self-proclaimed anti-hate crusader, in their ongoing war of resistance against the enemies of freedom. Many people buckle when facing the intimidation of politically favoured groups or people, but the Fourniers fought back – and won. Connie will be telling their story.

Scott Brockie, an Ontario businessman with a successful printing company

Over 10 years ago, Scott became one of the first victims of a homosexual discrimination complaint before the Ontario Human Rights Commission. A homosexual activist organization asked Scott to print some of their stationary, and he refused to do so as a matter of conscience. Several years and tens of thousands of dollars later, even after appealing the OHRT decision into the Ontario court system, Scott still lost. Affirmative action, with the right of the state to  interpose itself between a businessman and his (potential) clients had become an established right in Canada, even to the point of punishing a Christian businessman for refusing to serve a homosexual activist cause In the providence of God, this complaint became a rallying point for many Christians as they saw the way this state agency had become an enabler for those who want to restrict the fundamental – and constitutional – liberties of Christians. You will want to hear what Scott has to say about his battle with Ontario’s human rights industry and how God sustained him through those years.

Tim Bloedow will…

  • Report on the Christian Horizons’ case: Christian Horizons is a Christian charity that serves about 1,400 developmentally disabled people. A court decision just came down on Christians Horizons’ appeal of the decision made against them by the Ontario Human Rights Tribunal.

We hope you will consider setting aside July 17th to join us for our inaugural fundraiser.

Your attendance and financial support will help ChristianGovernance in our important work to advance the Judeo-Christian worldview in Canada, protecting and extending the fundamental God-given liberties that God desires to bestow on a faithful people.

Click here to order your tickets for our Fundraising Dinner. You will hear great speakers and enjoy wonderful food and entertainment. You will benefit from the company of like-minded men and women, and you will be taking part in the battle against Canada’s destructive human rights commissions.

Inaugural Fundraising Dinner
Saturday, July 17th, 2010
6:30 PM (doors open at 5:30)
Port Darlington Marina
Bowmanville, ON


Ticket price: $100

The first 50 guests to register receive a complimentary copy of Tim Bloedow’s book on the Christian Horizons “human rights” case, “No Sacred Ground: ‘Human Rights’ Thought Police Clamping Down on Christians.”


Click here to order your tickets for our Fundraising Dinner.

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