Infantilistic Sweden is a dangerous place for parents to live… – November 30, 2010
Swedish Parents jailed for spanking; children seized
By Hilary White
The Family in America Journal – Summer 2010
Prescribing Poison: Why ObamaCare Delivers the Wrong Family Medicine
Bryce J. Christensen, Ph.D.
The New York Times – November 14, 2010
Book Review: Mean Girls and Bad Mommies
By Pamela Paul
Unraveling the Dark Legacy of Female Friendships By Kelly Valen
229 pp. Ballantine Books. $25
The Hidden Side of Motherhood
By Barbara Almond
265 pp. University of California Press. $27.50
Daily Mail – November 18, 2010
Portrait of a VERY modern 14-year-old: She’s got two tattoos, body piercings, drinks alcohol and sleeps with boys (and the middle-class mother who allows it all to happen)
By Rachel Porter
The Charlottetown Guardian – November 18, 2010
Palin’s daughter in trouble on Facebook: Teen accused of racial slurs on website
The Canadian Press
It’s usually Sarah Palin who attracts attention for her Facebook musings.
But now it’s her 16-year-old daughter, Willow, who’s in hot water for using homophobic slurs against a schoolmate who criticized her mother’s new reality TV show, “Sarah Palin’s Alaska,” on the weekend.
October 26, 2010
Stool Repair 101: A Commentary on the State of the Pillars of Family
By Jim Tonkowich, Cornwall Alliance for the Stewardship of Creation
In the beginning, God created a three-legged stool: marriage, sex, and children. The beauty of three-legged stools including God’s is that they’re solid and hard to tip over regardless of the uneven ground on which they stand. Observe the simplicity, wisdom, and stability of God’s stool!
The Daily Telegraph – Oct. 30, 2010
Christian foster pair take gay challenge to High Court
By Tim Ross
A Christian couple who were banned from becoming foster parents because they believed homosexuality was unacceptable are taking their case to the High Court.
Eunice and Owen Johns will argue that Christians are being forced to live “in the closet” as the state’s interpretation of equality law favours homosexuals’ rights over religious freedom.
National Post – October 20, 2010
The coming demographic crisis
By Barbara Kay – October 19, 2010
Study: Too Much Screen Time Linked to Psychological Difficulties, even for Physically Active Kids
By Thaddeus M. Baklinski
BRISTOL, UK – A new study conducted at the University of Bristol has found that too much TV and computer screen time is bad for children, regardless of how much physical activity they get. Previous research has shown that too much screen time has an adverse effect on children’s mental well-being, but whether the lack of physical exercise and long periods of sitting still significantly contributed to this was not clear.
CitizenLink – October 19, 2010
Research Underscores Importance of Marriage, Family Structure
Research from the national Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) shows the importance of marriage, family structure and faith. Dr. Pat Fagan, senior fellow and director of Family Research Council’s Marriage and Religion Research Institute and Dr. Paul Sullins, associate professor of sociology at The Catholic University of America, explored the findings of the government-funded National Survey of Family Growth.