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Unemployed single mothers should lose their children…

Published on November 11, 2010 By SiteEditor

Received via email (Something to think about in terms of the reforms necessary to law and public policy to end all incentives to marriage break-up and unmarried parenthood)…

Ontario’s Family Responsibility Office (FRO) is a star-chamber government agency, enforcing ever more draconian laws – taking debtors prisons right out of Dickens’ time. It is an abomination, and every province has its equivalent. The most sickening fact is that these laws are enforced disproportionately harshly against the unemployed and the uneducated – precisely those who cannot speak for themselves.

Many parents dislike their children and don’t know how to play with them

Published on September 30, 2010 By SiteEditor

“21% of parents say they have forgotten how to play with their chldren, while a third say they find taking part in family activities boring. And though half of chldren would like to spend more ‘quality time’ with their parents, one in ten said they knew their parents found playing with them was dull. A third of parents play computer games with their children, but nine in ten children say computer games are something they’d rather play alone. Three-quarters said they would prefer to spend time with their parents playing board games, or outside. State of Play Report, Guardian” – The Week, September 4, 2010, p. 6.

Lesbian sexuality and perverse parenting

Published on June 21, 2010 By SiteEditor

Even advocates of perverted sex know that parenthood normalizes people. It still seems to normalize most people who become parents and it gives parents a perception of normalcy in the eyes of others. This is why homosexual parenting is so important to the homosexual agenda. And that is why, in a “mainstream media” article about a lesbian sex show (“The Real L Word”), the writer slips in a passing reference to another scam study on homosexual parenting (in the 2nd paragraph below). This time it’s a new study on lesbian parenting that was released in recent weeks to much fanfare among homosexualists and other activists.