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Hormesis and radiation – Good science impossible without Biblical worldview

Published on September 30, 2010 By SiteEditor

Can you get excited about the hormesis theory – and Biblical worldview?

Published on September 28, 2010 By SiteEditor

I don’t always get excited about science, but my ears always perk up when I hear anything about the hormesis theory. OK, the hormesis theory is not part of everyone’s breakfast conversation. But it was a contrarian theory that I embraced over 15 years ago as I looked at the research-based evidence and theories on the impact of radiation and chemicals on people. And it was an area where I believe I benefited in my views because of my understanding of the principles of the Biblical worldview.

Christians should use cellphones and ignore fear mongering about the radiation risk

Published on July 8, 2010 By SiteEditor

Too many Christians have joined the ranks of Environmentalism when it comes to suspicion over radiation and chemicals (man-made chemicals anyway) – and man-made technology. Along with the mainstream media and environmentalist activists, they jump at any research results that suggest dangers associated with radiation and chemicals and ignore studies which don’t find any risk of harm. The application of this fear to cell phone use is what interests us here, but the science and principles are applicable across the board. The science is not on the side of Environmentalism – and nor is the theology – so Christians don’t help the credibility of the Church when we buy into these fears and unscientific assertions.