Check out the quote 3 paragraphs down. This guy’s scientism sounds eerily similar to some of the atheistic comments posted recently on our site. Every indication is that most atheists want to see a revival of National Socialism and the vision which enamoured Hitler decades ago. And as the last paragraph reminds us, Biblical Christianity is the only religion of genuine peace. Don’t be intimidated by the relenting fraud and deception from atheist guerrilla warriors who attempt to wear us out and demoralize us through unrelenting repetition of lies and sophistry. Pray that, just as we were, these atheists will be liberated from their bondage to ignorance and cruelty by the blood of Christ shed for His people to pay the penalty for our sins so as to reconcile us to God.
Our commentary today is a response to a couple of items from the recent Cardus e-letter. We, especially as a young organization, would prefer to avoid direct disagreement with other Christians, but these articles provided a useful context for driving home some of the key views advocated by ChristianGovernance, Biblical positions that we may be unique in bringing forward to the public square.
American Vision – September 3, 2010
Leftist Gunmen take Hostages, Dissolve Civilization
By Joel McDurmon
Enlightened by Al Gore’s Inconvenient Truth as well as a novel about a talking gorilla, James Lee on Wednesday stormed the Discovery Channel building near Washington, D.C. with a gun and homemade (though he was homeless) bombs demanding the corporation change its programming according to his manifesto. The manifesto features themes of disarmament, population reduction, and environmentalist propaganda. Headlines followed.
Hitler Targets Education Eliminates Religious Instruction for Children:
Our education was nationalized. I attended a very good public school. The population was predominantly Catholic, so we had religion in our schools. The day we elected Hitler (March 13, 1938), I walked into my schoolroom to find the crucifix replaced by Hitler’s picture hanging next to a Nazi flag. Our teacher, a very devout woman, stood up and told the class we wouldn’t pray or have religion anymore. Instead, we sang Deutschland, Deutschland, Uber Alles, and had physical education.
Canada Free Press – May 2, 2010
Nazi Oaks Book Review
By Bruce Walker
It is odd, really more like eerie, how similar many of the fetishes of dead totalitarian systems of the last century are to the curiosities of modern leftism. The Nazi war on tobacco, for example, mirrors modern jihads against smoking, which invariably portray tobacco companies as evil. Mussolini, the leader of Fascism, prided himself on not smoking or drinking, just as Hitler, the leader of Nazism did, who was also a vegetarian. (Winston Churchill, by contrast, drank, smoked, and ate copiously.)