We came across an article written by OPC Pastor Larry Wilson in a publication which reprinted it this summer. The context for the article was to challenge the dangerous practice of proof-texting from the Bible to make an argument. The topic Pastor Wilson chose was whether or not the United States was a Christian nation. The Scripture passage he referenced was 2 Chronicles 7:14. Though the purpose for the article was proof-texting, the question discussed of whether or not America is a Christian nation, provided another excellent opportunity for rebuttal. I offer a rebuttal below, raising questions about the credibility of Pastor Wilson’s arguments, and offering a more compelling Christian position. Click here to read Pastor Wilson’s article: ‘Patriotic’ pretexting – Larry Wilson – August 2012. Let us provide the introductory paragraphs, so that you have some idea of where he was going even if you don’t take a moment to look at his entire article.
From ChristianGovernance eletter (August 22, 2012)
In recent days, I’ve been engaged in some interaction on these pages and elsewhere on the question of how explicit our confession of faith, our confession of the Lordship of Christ, should be when it comes to our public lives. Application to “politics” always seems to be the most controversial area of this discussion.
The views expressed here are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official stance of ChristianGovernance.
Following is an initial comment on the new book, “God and Government,” written by Dr. Cornelis Van Dam, a recently retired professor of Old Testament studies from the Canadian Reformed Theological Seminary in Hamilton, Ontario. We will be publishing a review of the book in the days ahead.
ChristianGovernance eletter – August 6, 2012
ChristianGovernance eletter – July 23, 2012
American Vision – August 27, 2010
The Power of Giving a Book
By Joel McDurmon
It all started with one book. When Bojidar’s missionary pastor left his Bulgarian town, all he left behind was a couple audio tapes and a copy of one book, Ken Gentry’s He Shall Have Dominion. Ken’s book is still, perhaps, the best one-stop exposition of the postmillennial, optimistic, dominion-oriented biblical worldview available. It has changed many lives, including Bojidar’s. After this, he wanted to hear more about optimism and biblical law.