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The death of humanist science…

Published on October 30, 2010 By SiteEditor

The positive utopias of the good society in literature were utopias of centrally planned states.  No one has written them in a century.  The dystopias are also centrally planned states.  They reflect modern men’s declining faith in the healing powers of science as implemented by the state (emphasis added).

Atheism’s most influential Bulgarian Christian

Published on October 30, 2010 By SiteEditor

American Vision – August 27, 2010
The Power of Giving a Book
By Joel McDurmon

It all started with one book. When Bojidar’s missionary pastor left his Bulgarian town, all he left behind was a couple audio tapes and a copy of one book, Ken Gentry’s He Shall Have Dominion. Ken’s book is still, perhaps, the best one-stop exposition of the postmillennial, optimistic, dominion-oriented biblical worldview available. It has changed many lives, including Bojidar’s. After this, he wanted to hear more about optimism and biblical law.

Stunningly indolent Greeks bankrolled by Canadian savers

Published on October 6, 2010 By SiteEditor

Canadian Taxpayers’ Federation – Summer 2010
How Canadians are on the hook for Greece and maybe more
By Mark Milke

Canadians, especially those in the more productive and prosperous provinces, should now get used to bailing out not only profligate governments at home – think equalization payments to Quebec and the Atlantic provinces – but abroad.

America’s Constitutional Convention was first devastating assault on freedom

Published on September 26, 2010 By SiteEditor

[There's a link below to read the whole article online.]

American Vision – September 24, 2010
Sam Adams to America: “I told you so.”
By Joel McDurmon

Upon the whole, we are too apt to charge those misfortunes to the want of energy in our government, which we have brought upon ourselves by dissipation and extravagance. – “Candidus”

Will the UN finally collapse?

Published on September 20, 2010 By SiteEditor

Many conspiratorialists condemn the UN but they don’t offer an alternative model, and you can’t beat something with nothing. Needless to say, such criticism largely goes nowhere. The Biblical model to international relations is one of federalism, not centralization. The core problem with the United Nations system is that it is one of centralization – the atheistic/humanistic model of international socialism. The end of the UN is not the rapture. Christians must be busy preparing to offer leadership towards a federalist alternative. Seize the day. Dr. Gary North wrote an excellent book on this subject many years ago: “Healer of the Nations”.

Government schools and bureaucratic tyranny

Published on September 6, 2010 By SiteEditor

Do you still support free, compulsory government schooling after reading this information?

Excerpt… [Read more from Gary North here.]

Gary North’s Reality Check – September 3, 2010
Communism for Conservatives

Three of the ten planks of the “Communist Manifesto” (1848) are still universally accepted. …

Woodrow Wilson’s terrifying Darwinian concept of government

Published on August 3, 2010 By SiteEditor

It might be Wilson’s; it might be terrifying and Darwinian, but it is a concept of government and of the constitution that seems to be held today even by most Christians. At least it exposes the deception that even many Christians want to believe – that civil government is morally and epistemologically neutral. And since civil government is not neutral, Christians are obligated to pursue a Christian understanding of law and civil government rather than piggybacking on non-Christian theories.

Christians should use cellphones and ignore fear mongering about the radiation risk

Published on July 8, 2010 By SiteEditor

Too many Christians have joined the ranks of Environmentalism when it comes to suspicion over radiation and chemicals (man-made chemicals anyway) – and man-made technology. Along with the mainstream media and environmentalist activists, they jump at any research results that suggest dangers associated with radiation and chemicals and ignore studies which don’t find any risk of harm. The application of this fear to cell phone use is what interests us here, but the science and principles are applicable across the board. The science is not on the side of Environmentalism – and nor is the theology – so Christians don’t help the credibility of the Church when we buy into these fears and unscientific assertions.

Canada blew a billion or more on G-20 boondoggle

Published on July 2, 2010 By SiteEditor

Excerpt from: “The G-20 Power Grab Accelerates.” (Gary North’s Reality Check, June 29, 2010.) Go here to subscribe to Reality Check.

The G-20 has no available sanctions. The fiscal policies (deficits) are beyond any central agency’s power. So are monetary policies.  So are bank capital ratios. None of the G-20 nations has honored any of the earlier accords.

U.S. unions almost dead while NY state robs pensioners blind

Published on June 15, 2010 By SiteEditor

Not that many of today’s pensioners don’t bear much of the blame for going along with an idolatrous and transparently super-hyped prophecy cult that predicted perpetual demographic growth and financial prosperity – without contributing to it themselves whether personally or in the discipleship of their own children.

Excerpt from: Gary North’s Reality Check – Issue 970 * June 15, 2010