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Stop calling the central government a federal government

Published on June 10, 2012 By SiteEditor

ChristianGovernance eletter – June 9, 2012

We need a campaign to stop calling the national or central government a FEDERAL government – in both Canada and the United State. Looking at earlier writings, people called Canada’s government a central government, not a federal government.

This is not an irrelevant point or simply a quaint observation. Calling the national or central government a federal government is a Humanist deception. Do you know why?

Biblical Christianity is anti-statist

Published on February 19, 2011 By SiteEditor

“The entire medieval and Protestant tradition is anti-Statist, and that includes, as Augustine taught us, the view that the State is the least important institution among Church, State, and Family. Yet, the great irony of the Christian Right is that though their families are often messes and their churches splintering, they think they have the wisdom to wield the sword. In search of ‘real change,’ they charge out to conquer the institution that is most impotent in actually bringing it about. We haven’t changed much from our ancient Israelite brothers. We want a king or a sword just like everybody else. We don’t understand how God has structured the world, how real change occurs.” – Douglas Jones & Douglas Wilson, “Angels in the Architecture: A Protestant Vision for Middle Earth.”

Gun control and gunman James Lee’s liberal agenda

Published on September 4, 2010 By SiteEditor

American Vision – September 3, 2010
Leftist Gunmen take Hostages, Dissolve Civilization
By Joel McDurmon

Enlightened by Al Gore’s Inconvenient Truth as well as a novel about a talking gorilla, James Lee on Wednesday stormed the Discovery Channel building near Washington, D.C. with a gun and homemade (though he was homeless) bombs demanding the corporation change its programming according to his manifesto. The manifesto features themes of disarmament, population reduction, and environmentalist propaganda. Headlines followed.

Position Statement – The Centrality of the Bible

Published on July 22, 2010 By SiteEditor

Many Christians today shy away from using the Bible to defend their positions when interacting in the political realm or other spots in the public arena. ChristianGovernance maintains that the Bible must be central as a source for argumentation when engaging with others in the public square. Pastor Doug Wilson provides a very clear rationale for this position in a recent article/interview recorded in the pages of the magazine Reformed Perspective, so we draw your attention to these comments as reflective of our position.