If you want to complain to CBC’s The Current for their vicious smear of parents and home schooling, this is their contact info:
The Current
Use email form at this web address
Telephone Feedback line: 1-(877) 287-7366
Fax: (416) 205-2371
The Current, CBC Radio, P.O. Box 500 Station A, Toronto, ON M5W 1E6
On a recent CBC podcast of “The Current” with Anna Maria Tremonti, I listened to her rabid attack on home-schoolers, followed by a CBC-produced “skit” that further exposed this identifiable group to hatred and contempt.
Ms. Tremonti was conducting “interviews” (heavily weighted with her own bias) around the recent announcement that Alberta had agreed to drop the contentious inclusion of Human Rights legislation in its approach to home-schooling in the province.