Titanic 2012 Conference and Dinner Lectures
Conference Theme: Courageous Manhood: A Titanic Virtue
1. Courage to Stand – Rev. John Shearouse
2. Courage to Die – Rev. Micah Ramsey
3. Onward Christian Soldiers – Rev. Jeff Kingswood
4. Courage to Conquer – Rev. John Shearouse
5. Courage to Lead – Rev. Micah Ramsey
I just finished listening to all of these and I’m very impressed. Each of the five lectures inspires men to be men, men of righteousness, courage, sacrifice, dominion, and leadership – everything we should want our sons to be and our daughters to marry. Young men! Forget childish things like Call of Duty games, lego, or wordly dating – and become men of humility, integrity, mission, and courage. Young ladies! Forget celebrity idolatry and wordly lies of manliness, and become women who can be strong helpmates to these men. For Christ’s glory and Kingdom.