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Book review: God and Government – There is no such thing as neutrality

Published on August 13, 2012 By SiteEditor
ChristianGovernance eletter – August 13, 2012
Book review: God and Government – There is no such thing as neutrality

The views expressed here are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official stance of ChristianGovernance.

“Government” or “civil government”

Published on August 13, 2012 By SiteEditor

Following is an initial comment on the new book, “God and Government,” written by Dr. Cornelis Van Dam, a recently retired professor of Old Testament studies from the Canadian Reformed Theological Seminary in Hamilton, Ontario. We will be publishing a review of the book in the days ahead.

ChristianGovernance eletter – August 6, 2012

Is Constantine understood by modern Christians?

Published on July 4, 2012 By SiteEditor

“During his reign, when his co-emperor Licinius persecuted the church, Constantine waged war with him to liberate the Christians.”

Click here to read more.

Colson’s anti-theocratic comment refuted

Published on June 11, 2010 By SiteEditor

Read the complete column here.

American Vision – June 10, 2010
A Theocratic Mistake
By Eric Rauch

What does theocracy REALLY mean?

Published on May 23, 2010 By SiteEditor

OK, when Christians decide to get into the attack game with the same superficial rhetoric that non-Christians are using against Biblically faithful Christians, then it’s time to provide some clarity to the discussion.