Published on August 13, 2012 By SiteEditor
ChristianGovernance eletter – August 13, 2012
Book review: God and Government – There is no such thing as neutrality
The views expressed here are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official stance of ChristianGovernance. Read more... (4705 words, estimated 18:49 mins reading time)
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Book review: God and Government – There is no such thing as neutrality
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Published on June 6, 2012 By SiteEditor
ChristianGovernance eletter – June 4, 2012
Freedom of worship or freedom of religion? The wrong answer spells doom… Read more... (922 words, estimated 3:41 mins reading time)
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Can you be bought off with only the freedom to worship?
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Published on September 2, 2010 By SiteEditor
“The Global Centre for Pluralism is an initiative of His Highness the Aga Khan in partnership with the Government of Canada. The Centre will be located at 330 Sussex Drive in Ottawa, Canada. Dedicated to the creation of successful societies, the Centre is founded on the premise that tolerance, openness and understanding towards the cultures, social structures, values and faiths of other peoples are essential to the very survival of an interdependent world. Pluralism is no longer simply an asset or a prerequisite for progress and development. It is vital to our existence.” Read more... (106 words, estimated 25 secs reading time)
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Why are the feds pushing Pluralism with a Muslim?
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