Tag Archive: Green Energy Act

McGuinty’s corrupt energy oligopoly

Financial Post – Nov. 20, 2010
Ontario’s powerful sleight of hand
By Lawrence Solomon

McGuinty Gaia-worship bribe to placate Ontario ratepayers

Financial Post – November 17, 2010
Ontario to bribe its power-shocked voters
By Terence Corcoran

This cannot be true. News reports say the Ontario government is going to bring in a new Clean Air Benefit, a payment to electricity consumers to help reduce their soaring electricity bills. In an economic statement Thursday, Finance Minister Dwight Duncan is apparently going to announce the Clean Air Benefit as a bold response to the growing realization across the province that Ontario’s electricity sector is a fiscal runaway train.

Toronto Sun – October 24, 2010
Smitherman is George of the Bungle: Blizzard Two mayoralty candidates are neck-and-neck in loudmouth bully race
By Christina Blizzard

As Toronto’s mayoralty race draws mercifully to a close, it’s been interesting to watch the anti-Rob Fordites attempt to paint him as an oaf. That’s odd, because in the many years I covered George Smitherman at Queen’s Park, I found him to be uncouth, a loudmouth and a bully. Yep, pretty well everything he’d now like you to think Ford is.

Financial Post – October 7, 2010
Power failure
By Terence Corcoran

The soaring price of electricity is due to the green-energy activism of George Smitherman

National Post – Sept. 18, 2010
‘Premier Dad’ doesn’t know best: Despite Ontario Premier Dalton McGuinty increasing spending by $46-billion a year, seven in 10 Ontarians polled don’t think he is doing a good job.
By John Ivison

Corrupt liberals often mock conservatives as being incompetent and, therefore, unqualified for political leadership. Yet they repeatedly elect the most incompetent buffoons. Ontario Premier Dalton McGuinty knows nothing about economics because the only thing he seems to want to do with money is to bribe taxpayers with their own money. Let’s hope there are enough Ontarians in the next election with sufficient maturity and self-respect to vote for someone else.

Ontario hydro ratepayers are at the mercy of a religious fanatic in Ontario Premier Dalton McGuinty. His Green Energy Act is spiking costs of energy for Ontario citizens and they have no recourse because the Premier’s agenda is “religious” in nature, not reasoned and science-based. Japan has come to the rescue of Ontarians by filing a complaint against the GEA with the World Trade Organization. Their specific complaint is that the legislation unfairly favours local companies, so protectionist unions will probably oppose the complaint. Ontarians, however, should welcome the move as a possible opportunity for deliverance from the paternalistic tyrant who runs the province.

In the days and months ahead, ChristianGovernance will be building the foundations for three issues that we already know we want to highlight in the next Ontario provincial election: education, human rights and the energy oligopoly.

Much of this work will revolve around the intellectual foundations, demonstrating the rationality and necessity of the positions we are advancing. We will also make the case for the strategic sensibility of our positions. We will interact with critics who challenge our positions.

Read the complete article here.

August 22, 2010
Hydro prices “going up like a rocket”
By Don Butler

Electricity prices in Ontario are “going up like a rocket,” fuelled in part by the Ontario government’s Green Energy Act, says a longtime observer of the province’s energy scene. “You are going to get screwed, and it’s going to be painful,” said Tom Adams, a Toronto-based consultant and a former executive director of Energy Probe. “We’re talking about hundreds of dollars a year out of your pocketbook that didn’t need to happen. I’m livid about it. People should be outraged.”

You will want to know who the OSEA is. If they prevent you from being able to feed your children or put a warm roof over your wife’s head this winter, you’ll want to know which special interest targeted you for poverty.

Click here to visit their website.

You can read about executive director, Kristopher Stevens’ ignorant and pompous attitude towards Parker Gallant by reading Mr. Gallant’s article here.

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