Financial Post – October 13, 2010
Ontario power lesson: Notes for a speech that Ontario’s Opposition leader could give, but won’t, on the state of the province’s electricity sector
By Lawrence Solomon
Ontario Conservative Leader Tim Hudak is a keynote speaker tomorrow at the Ontario Energy Association. Here is the speech he should, but won’t, give.
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Massive Ontario ratepayer theft: Hudak’s spineless complicity
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Financial Post – October 7, 2010
Power failure
By Terence Corcoran
The soaring price of electricity is due to the green-energy activism of George Smitherman Read more... (742 words, estimated 2:58 mins reading time)
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Homosexual activist’s energy radicalism threatens Ontario ratepayers
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The Daily Telegraph – September 18, 2010
Britain’s energy policy is in crisis: The Government’s policy on renewable energy is wasteful and counter-productive
By Christopher Booker Read more... (390 words, estimated 1:34 mins reading time)
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Union of eco-religion and state in Britain leads to energy crisis
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The Wall Street Journal – August 21, 2010
Talking Green in Yellowstone: Government-subsidized solar panels generate cheap electricity at a high cost.
By Roger Meiners
Ever-smiling Joe Biden recently popped into Bozeman, Mont., in his carbon-spewing Boeing 757. He came by to give a talk in Yellowstone Park about green jobs, stimulus money, and the “recovery summer.” Let’s look at one tiny piece of the green/stimulus jobs program that the vice president and the Obama administration have been promoting. Read more... (253 words, estimated 1:01 mins reading time)
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Politicians waste millions on phony green jobs: Yellowstone Park
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August 22, 2010
Hydro prices “going up like a rocket”
By Don Butler
Electricity prices in Ontario are “going up like a rocket,” fuelled in part by the Ontario government’s Green Energy Act, says a longtime observer of the province’s energy scene. “You are going to get screwed, and it’s going to be painful,” said Tom Adams, a Toronto-based consultant and a former executive director of Energy Probe. “We’re talking about hundreds of dollars a year out of your pocketbook that didn’t need to happen. I’m livid about it. People should be outraged.” Read more... (586 words, estimated 2:21 mins reading time)
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Ontario hydro prices “going up like a rocket”
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The Washington Times – July 14, 2010
Enviro jobs are fake-o jobs: Green economics and the Void of Desire
By John Hayward
Whatever “green jobs” are, it’s very clear America doesn’t want them. President Obama has been pushing a proposal that would spend more than $1 million for each permanent green job created in a solar-power boondoggle. Billions were placed at the disposal of avowed communist Van Jones to create these sparkling emeralds of environmentally sensitive employment even though no one in the administration can explain what they are. Read more... (375 words, estimated 1:30 mins reading time)
Cornwall Alliance Newsletter, July 2, 2010
2. Spanish Solar Company Mails Skeptic Scientist Dismantled Bomb
by Patrick Gallagher
Editor, GreenWatchAmerica
June 25, 2010
A Spanish scientist was sent a dismantled bomb in the mail following the publishing of his study which took a hard look at the damage Spain’s green jobs program has done to the Spanish economy. Read more... (550 words, estimated 2:12 mins reading time)
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Mainstream eco-terrorism in backward Spain
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This is also a case study in the complete inability of heathens to anticipate human reactions to incentives because they don’t understand human nature. Put someone in government as a poltician or a bureaucrat, and it makes the problem exponentially worse because these people are less than clueless when it comes to anticipating human response to incentives. Yet, there is plenty of history and argumentation from which to draw so they are without excuse. They should be investigated for fraud and, at the very least, fired for gross incompetence. One has to wonder about the level of competence and morality of those who would vote in the next election for the elected officials responsible for messes like this. Read more... (447 words, estimated 1:47 mins reading time)
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Ontario’s steep pay cut for solar providers: Will Canadians ever learn danger of business with gov’t?
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