This is the feature column from the latest issue of ChristianGovernance’s e-letter. You can sign up by clicking here.

ChristianGovernance e-letter – October 11, 2010
Kids’ TV filth corrupting young minds
By Tim Bloedow

Parents, I hope you aren’t using the TV as a babysitter. I hope you aren’t defaulting to the regulators to determine what’s suitable viewing for your children.

A couple of our grandchildren were visiting this past weekend, and one of them flipped on YTV and was watching what seemed to be a familiar cartoon program. I was asked to see if it was suitable because the preference was to have her watch a movie of our own choosing.

I still haven’t found out what the name of the program was.

So how long did it take for me to determine the suitability of the TV program that was playing?

I arrived in the room to watch a pink bubble growing larger and larger on the screen. It looked like the opening of the bubble was at the cartoon creature’s rear end.

Then the large balloon floats off and a few seconds later it explodes, and the combination of two other characters collapsing at the explosion and the brown tinge used to colour the air from inside the balloon confirms that the balloon had been filled with flatulence.

At that point the TV was turned off until a movie was found.

So tell me, what kind of insolent, child abusing boors would produce something like this for anybody, let alone for children watching YTV?

This is barbarity at its finest. Our heathen culture is wallowing in filth, moral pollution and barbarianism. That is also why it is a harsh and crass culture of rudeness and disrespect. And our cultural influencers are continuing to lead our children into deeper and deeper levels of incivility.

Think about this for a moment. The airing of the scene recounted above is not simply the result of spontaneous stupidity. It had to be thought up, then its merits had to be considered in the plot line. Once it was approved, at least one other person had to design it for the screen. In the whole process of production, numerous people had to see it, approve it and engage with it.

What kind of moral cesspool exists in the studio where this production team works? What kind of government-schooled group-think produces this kind of intellectual and moral unity among a collection of people entrusted to develop entertainment for children?

What other examples of filth are viewed on this program each week? From week to week? The reality is that this kind of material is now normal. Many people would be shocked to hear someone object to it. It has become part of the background of today’s cultural norms. If your children are in the government schools, they wouldn’t think to mention it to you so that you can object to it because they quickly learn to accept it uncritically as part of normative reality. So you can’t protect them from it. And it has a real impact on their concept of normality for years into the future, and on their level of tolerance for sin and their convictions of right and wrong.

This is child abuse. It’s government sanctioned child abuse. It’s also child abuse sanctioned by the parents who let their children watch the program. Christian parents, make sure you love your children enough to protect them from the moral filth that you can still keep away from them.