Tag Archive: Illinois

The Alliance Defense Fund news release – July 12, 2010
Ill. prof. fired for teaching about Catholic beliefs in class on Catholicism
ADF urges restoration of Kenneth Howell’s First Amendment rights, teaching position

CHAMPAIGN, Ill. – Alliance Defense Fund attorneys sent a letter Monday to University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign officials on behalf of a popular, highly regarded professor who was fired for explaining the position of the Roman Catholic Church on human sexual behavior to members of his Introduction to Catholicism class.

Anti-chemical pantheists threaten agriculture

The article below demonstrates the serious implications of allowing Pantheism to dictate agriculture and environmental policy instead of Christianity. “The dose is the poison,” is a scientifically sound principle. It is also a principle rooted in Biblical truth – that we live in a world created by a sovereign God of order; a world in which all component parts were designed to work together in perfect equilibrium. The reality of sin and corruption in today’s world does not negate this foundational nature of the created order.

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