Tag Archive: Fraser Institute

Give family docs more freedom

National Post – Oct. 12, 2010
Editorial: Give family docs more freedom

Yesterday marked the start of “Family Doctor Week” in Canada. It provides an occasion to celebrate the contributions and hard work of Canada’s general practitioners, but also to take stock of the serious challenges facing these doctors and their patients across the country.

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BC unions have ramped up their efforts to increase BC’s minimum wage to $10 an hour. Unfortunately, last week B.C. Labour Minister Murray Coell stated that the Liberal government would consider an increase to the provincial minimum wage. B.C. Federation of Labour head Jim Sinclair cheered the move. NDP leader Carole James, highlighting her pedestrian knowledge of economics, declared that an increase in the minimum wage is “actually an economic stimulus.” If Mr. Sinclair, Ms James, and BC unions are successful, their efforts will rob young and unskilled workers of the chance to participate in the labour market and gain the skills and experience they need to increase their incomes.

National Post – August 31, 2010
Believe it or not, running schools like businesses can help the have-nots
By Marni Soupcoff

Excerpt from “Prescription drug spending in Canada and the United States Government intervention offers no cost advantage for consumers,” by Mark Rovere (Fraser Forum, July/August 2010.

Read the complete article here.

Fraser Forum – July/August 2010
Montreal needs to fix its water infrastructure — and fast
By Jean-François Minardi

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