Tag Archive: eco-terrorism

Isn’t eco-terrorism fun – especially for children?

October 8, 2010
The Green War on Children
By Michelle Malkin

Halloween isn’t for another three weeks, but environmental ghouls are on the haunt. A sadistic video released by global warming fear-mongers reveals an inconvenient truth about eco-radicals: They despise the very children for whom they claim to be saving the planet.

Sea Shepherd terrorist’s behaviour so predictable

The Sydney Morning Herald – October 8, 2010
Green group accused of sinking ship for a stunt

Eco-pantheists exploit Ecuador’s poor; Chevron push-back

Financial Post – September 1, 2010
Turning the tables: Chevron won’t kowtow to environmental activists’ tactics and gives them a taste of their own medicine
By Silvia Santacruz

Global companies rarely fight back when environmentalists accuse them of polluting in developing countries. They often prefer to fund such NGOs in the belief they are buying peace, or to accept a market cap beating.

Vigilantism is growing among non-Christian forces in the West, including environmentalism, homosexualism and humanism in general. Socialist and other heathen forces despise the principle of the separation of church and state, so they won’t let the state do its policing job. They want to help out to expedite their desired ends. This vigilante spirit is inherent in most non-Christian worldviews and adherents are becoming more brazen all the time because the humanist state doesn’t have the will to supress vigilantes. It’s interesting that, despite this evidence of non-Christian opposition to separation of church and state, ignorant heathen activists continue to condemn Christians who advocate Christianity in the public square as the ones who reject separation of church and state. Of course these non-Christians ignorantly or intentionally confuse separation of church and state with separation of politics and religion.

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