At my recent talk to a Christian Heritage Party AGM in Orillia, Ontario, I talked about the importance of having an intentional worldview, and that a benefit of a Biblical worldview was logical integrity in one’s views on different issues. To illustrate, I made the exact point highlighted in this IMFC article – that it’s logically inconsistent to be both anti-euthanasia and pro-socialized medicine.
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- SiteEditor on Human Love Defies Darwinian Explanation
- SiteEditor on Human Love Defies Darwinian Explanation
- Etch on Human Love Defies Darwinian Explanation
- Ken on Confused man seeks to ban women’s golf in California
- SiteEditor on ChrGov is Unique
- SiteEditor on Human Love Defies Darwinian Explanation
- Gabriel Laurence Cayer on ChrGov is Unique
- SiteEditor on Human Love Defies Darwinian Explanation