From ChristianGovernance eletter – December 11, 2012
The Ottawa Citizen likes to publish a weekly “Ask the Religion Experts” column. The most recent one is: Ask the Religion Experts: Does freedom of expression trump freedom of religion? (The Ottawa Citizen, December 8, 2012). Excerpts below our commentary.
Dec 12
From ChristianGovernance eletter – December 14, 2012
Psychiatry is a threat to civilization
[I wrote this prior to today's school massacre in Connecticut. We won't have any comment on that incident in this piece, but there are applications to be made re. all the pontificating an navel-gazing that will take place by people wasting oxygen trying to analyze what happened.]
From ChristianGovernance eletter – December 20, 2012
More wisdom distinguishing a Biblical worldview from pantheistic state-ism. This is from The Cornwall Alliance, the organization whose material on Environmentalism we will be using for one of the sessions at our April 20th “Courageous Justice” Biblical worldview conference.
Good News for Environmentalists – and Other Sinners
By E. Calvin Beisner
December 20, 2012
Dear Friend of ChristianGovernance,
We are quickly approaching the end of another year, so some of us are looking back at 2012 to see what we’ve accomplished – and probably some of what we didn’t accomplish that we had hoped to do. You can keep the 2nd list short by not having any expectations, but that doesn’t work well for ambitious people. “Fail forward” is a popular saying – if you fail, learn from your mistakes, get up and keep going.
December 6, 2012
We are asking you to pray. If you have read a copy of our booklet, “The Biblical Legacy of Canada’s Parliament Buildings,” you will know that a clear Gospel message can be seen in the selection of Scriptures that are found primarily on the Tower of Peace and Victory (the Peace Tower). We bring out that message in the course of discussing the Scriptures and some Canadian history in this booklet.
From: ChristianGovernance eletter – December 11, 2012
It is remarkable how illiterate today’s academics and professionals are. It should be obvious to Christians that professionalism is primarily a theological and ethical matter, not primarily a technical standing. Because of this, we should not expect non-Christian professionals or experts to be as competent as Christian professionals.
From: ChristianGovernance eletter, December 6, 2012
In reading the latter chapters of Acts, I was struck by a contrast in Paul’s attitude towards two different types of people.
Christians today really seem to have difficulty dealing with the idea that we can, and should, handle different people differently. True, we are to love all men – even our enemies.