– October 13, 2010
The abortion nurse’s daughter: Inside minds at the mill
By Jill Stanek

Last week I described Abigail Seidman’s upbringing as the daughter of an abortion clinic nurse.

This week I’ll discuss what Abigail saw inside the mill where her mother worked. I have always been intrigued with the psyche of abortion workers and asked Abigail extensively about this.

Recall when Abigail was 13 years old her mother began pulling her from school every Friday to volunteer as what pro-lifers call a “deathscort,” someone who escorts mothers planning to abort from the parking lot, shielding them from pro-life sidewalk counselors attempting to engage them in conversation or provide written information.

So Abigail saw a lot as a semi-insider. I can only imagine how traumatized she must have been not only because she experienced all this as an adolescent and teenager but also as a closet pro-lifer.

Let me begin by saying this was 15 years ago. Since then the Toledo, Ohio, abortion clinic where Abigail’s mother worked has moved to a new location, although it is still owned by the same woman, a Wiccan when Abigail knew her. Abigail’s mother has also moved on, so I don’t know if the nefarious practices and conditions Abigail observed are ongoing.

I asked Abigail if the clinic aborted women who weren’t pregnant. Yes, she said, adding the clinic owner often joked “anyone who wants an abortion can have one, whether she’s pregnant or not!”

I asked Abigail if due dates were ever adjusted. I recall the hospital where I worked admitted a mother for an abortion for fetal anomalies at 27 and sixth-sevenths weeks’ gestation, according to her last menstrual period (LMP). But the attending physician charted that according to ultrasound she was only 23 weeks along, coincidentally the upper age limit allowed for abortions. The baby was born (alive) weighing two-and-a-half pounds, clearly as old as the LMP indicated.

Abigail witnessed similar scenarios. Since her clinic was only allowed to abort up to 16 weeks, due dates were either dialed down with the help of the mother, encouraged to “re-imagine” the date of her LMP. Or dates were manipulated by staff, who told the mother LMP dating was unreliable because women can skip periods or have spotting they don’t realize is a period.

“I don’t remember a woman ever being turned away because she was too advanced in her pregnancy,” Abigail wrote me. “The latest date I ever heard was 28 weeks, although women were always told their date was 16 weeks or less.”

What did staff think of aborting mothers? “They called them ‘stupid sluts’ if it wasn’t their first abortion, or ‘brood mares’ if they chose life and left before aborting,” wrote Abigail.

Complete article here.