Consider purchasing your copy of “No Sacred Ground: ‘Human Rights’ Thought Police Clamping Down on Christians” today.

“No Sacred Ground: ‘Human Rights’ Thought Police Clamping Down on Christians,” exposes the militant nature of Ontario’s Human Rights Commission and its ruthless anti-Christian agenda. The upstanding Christian ministry, Christian Horizons, has become the latest victim of Ontario’s anti-Christian Ontario Human Rights Commission. When this agency ruled against Christian Horizons, they put fundamentalist liberal ideology over the best interests of disabled people. This ministry to the disabled is but one example of the Canadian Christians being crushed under the thumb of a dangerous, tyrannical state.

Human Rights Commissions are the vehicles used in Canada to prosecute liberalism’s “hate crime” agenda. Human Rights Commissions and their Tribunals have become key Enablers in the campaign by Canada’s liberals to eliminate freedom and Christianity from Canada’s public square. These commissions have prosecuted and PERSECUTED Scott Brockie in Ontario, Chris Kempling, the Knights of Columbus and the Christian Heritage Party in BC, Hugh Owens and a marriage commissioner in Saskatchewan, Catholic Bishop Fred Henry and Rev. Stephen Boissoin in Alberta – and the list goes on. If Christian Horizons isn’t safe, then YOU aren’t safe.

ORDER this book if you want to understand how the enemy of liberty thinks, so that you can see him coming if he targets you, if you want to know how to combat the deception, or if you want to be victorious in this culture war against liberalism’s forces of slavery and tyranny.

Visit our online storefront today to purchase your copy of “No Sacred Ground: ‘Human Rights’ Thought Police Clamping Down on Christians.”