Your views on human rights commissions

With 27 people voting on our polling question, “Name the most important reform to human rights commissions,” 63% of respondents (17 votes) want them abolished. Everyone else wanted them reformed, with three people (11%) saying the most important reform was to make truth a defence. That would eliminate one of the most offensive aspects of human rights tribunals, which is monetary penalties based on “hurt feelings.” Often, HRTs make the penalty for hurt feelings larger than other penalties, such as for lost wages. It’s stunning that anyone beyond elementary school would even seek an award for hurt feelings, but this demonstrates the way HRTs have become enablers of the most offensive and illegitimate desires of depraved individuals.

Three other voters said the most important reform for them would be the elimination of any bans on free speech. Two people voted for the elimination of taxpayer funding for the complainant. One person voted to eliminate the adjudicative function of these bodies which, in effect, is a call for the abolition of human rights tribunals, but not human rights commissions. And one person voted specifically for a ban on “hurt feelings” awards which, as noted above is essentially the other side of the coin of making truth a defence.

OUR NEW POLLING QUESTION IS: If Ontario had a proportional representation electoral system, who would you vote for today?

Answers from which to choose:
* Only a Christian candidate
* Family Coalition Party (Phil Lees)
* Progressive Conservatives (Tim Hudak)
* Liberals (Dalton McGuinty)
* Other
* Nobody

Please vote today. It will only take a few seconds.