American Vision – September 29, 2010
The Evil of the Pity of Man
Written by Bojidar Marinov

For handfuls of barley and fragments of bread, you have profaned Me to My people to put to death some who should not die and to keep others alive who should not live, by your lying to My people who listen to lies (Ezek. 13:19).

Pity is the leftists’ chief moral virtue. If you are a leftist, it is mandatory that you show pity to someone. And do it publicly so that everyone knows how much pity you feel toward those who are “unfortunate.” There are so many people out there that are victims – or can be made to look like victims – to evil circumstances or institutions or simply evil reality. What better opportunity to show the world how moral and compassionate and tenderhearted you are. Over the last century the leftists, not having any discernible moral standard at all, still had quite a few moral causes, all of them based on this one single moral virtue – pity. Everyone and everything can be turned into an unfortunate victim that deserves the leftists’ pity. Communist guerillas, Muslim terrorists, single mothers, married mothers, children without parents, children with parents, poor people without houses and cars, poor people who own houses and cars, people without health insurance, whether they want it or not, people with health insurance, legal immigrants, illegal immigrants, minorities – and especially minority leaders who live off the back of their minorities, yes, I mean Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton – animal populations that are dwindling, animal populations that are thriving, icebergs with polar bears on top, icebergs without polar bears on top, warmer climate, cooler climate, changing climate … everything.

Last week the paragons of the Pity of Man had a priceless occasion to remind the world of their moral superiority: The Commonwealth of Virginia executed Teresa Lewis. Eight years ago, on the night of October 30, 2002, Teresa Lewis organized the murder of her husband and her stepson. The motive was her stepson’s life insurance from his military service. Lewis used money and sexual favors – offering her 16-year daughter – to recruit two men more than 10 years younger than her, to shoot the victims. After the crime, she waited for more than an hour before she called the police, while her husband, still alive, bled to death. In the meantime, she cold-bloodedly searched the victims’ clothes and belongings for money. When police officers arrived, her husband was still able to tell them that his wife knew everything about the murder.

At the trial, she pleaded guilty, and she allowed the judge to decide her sentence. Her attorneys believed she had a better chance to get a life term from a judge who never sentenced anyone to death. However, the judge found that the crime was so horrible that it deserved death, and he declared that Teresa Lewis, the mastermind behind the crime, must be executed. Last week, on September 23, Lewis was executed.

Just sentence, given the crime, every sensible person would say. Just sentence, indeed. But for leftists, that’s exactly where the problem lies.

Nothing can enrage leftists so much as a just sentence of a real criminal. And nothing gives them a better opportunity to exhibit to the world their superior pity. Groups from within the US and abroad started campaigning against the sentence. Even the European Union decided to intervene and petition the governor of Virginia. Different reasons were cited.

First, of course, she was a woman. In the eyes of the leftists, that surely made her a victim, no matter how heinous the crime she committed. “The first woman to be executed in Virginia in 100 years,” declared one leftist website, as if the frequency of death sentences has anything to do with the specific case. Of course, the same source is quick to inform us, that “her sexuality made her a victim in uniquely female ways.” Even though women receive only 2 per cent of the death sentences in this country, the website says, “[T]he whole capital punishment machine is hugely gender-biased, and always has been. Capital punishment has to be one of the most sexist systems left in America.”

And of course, since the leftists need to go further in creating a victim out of a cold-blooded murderer, the following statement is mandatory: “While women are sentenced to death far less frequently than men, often the offenses for which they are sentenced are also rooted in antiquated gender stereotypes. When women are sentenced to die, say experts, it tends to be for the most sexist reasons.”

Then there was the question of her mental abilities. Her IQ, as some psychologist found out, was 72, right on the border of “mental retardation.” Additional proof from “witnesses” was that she “never lived alone, couldn’t buy more than one day’s worth of groceries at a time, and could never balance a checkbook. For her, this meant marrying at a very young age (16) and a lifetime of being dependent on men.” Compelling evidence for mental retardation.

Think about it. She devises a plot to offer sex and money to two men, so that they – and not her – shoot her stepson, and her husband, in order to get the money from her son’s life insurance. It seems she has enough IQ to think things through. She may not be able to “buy more than one day’s worth of groceries at a time,” but she surely could think far ahead to know that she was getting quarter million dollars from her stepson’s insurance.

Read the complete column here.