By Tim Bloedow

Spin it how you like, but Earth Hour is idolatry; it’s blasphemy; it’s Gaia worship – dancing naked round the fir tree till your body turns to butter, joining your mind somewhere in the ether.

Real Christians will be Christians and, instead of celebrating the fundamentalist religious rite of Earth Hour on Saturday, will celebrate God Hour the next day by attending a God-fearing, Bible-believing church to worship God. Actually, they should celebrate three God Hours: 1.5 hours for their morning worship service and 1.5 hours for their evening worship service.

Earth Hour takes place this Saturday, March 27th from 8:30 to 9:30pm. While heathen Gaia worshipers are going back to nature and roaming around in the dark; you should be celebrating God, celebrating man, made in the image of God, human ingenuity that reflects the creativity of God and which gives us life-advancing technology that uses lots of energy. Celebrate industry. Celebrate technology. Celebrate dominion. Celebrate private property. Celebrate God’s law.

Do not be like the heathen fools who lament the creative and redemptive impact of man on this world. Do not embrace the dishonest and empty-headed pessimism of the granola-crunchers.

If you have to celebrate Earth Hour, then do so by ordering your polar bear rug and your 6-month supply of seal meat.

But most importantly, celebrate God Hour – every week – by attending the public worship of God on Sunday.