Pedophilia refers to a sexual preference for prepubescent children. 15 is NOT prepubescent! We need to get our definitions straight and quit putting labels on people that don’t fit.
Hebephilia refers to a sexual preference for pubescent children. BUT remember, IT MUST BE A “PREFERENCE.”
1. Preferential. These are pedophiles who live their fantasy of having sex with prepubscent children. Their whole life is based in this fact.
2. Situational. These abusers do not have a sexual preference for children. They have sex with child for many reasons including, simple availability, opportunity, curiosity, or a desire to hurt a loved one of the molested child. There are any number of reasons. Their sexual preference however is not children, they prefer adults.
Not all pedophiles are child molesters.
A child molester is an individual who sexually molests children. A pedophile might have a sexual preference for children and fantasize about having sex with them, but if he does not act on that preference or those fantasies, he is not a child molester.
Not all child molesters are pedophiles. A pedophile is an individual who prefers to have sex with prepubescent children.
A person who prefers to have sex with an adult partner may, for any number of reasons, decide to have sex with a child. Such reasons might include simple availability, opportunity, curiosity, or a desire to hurt a loved one of the molested child. The erotic imagery and sexual fantasies of such individuals are not necessarily recurrent, intense, and focused on children; therefore, these people are not pedophiles. They are called situational abusers.